About TSA

The mission of The Sharon Academy is to nurture intelligent, independent, and creative thinking in a small school community, awakening students to their immense potential and the difference they can make in the world.

At Sharon Academy our mission is the foundation of community and shapes what we do EVERY day.

male student working next to a wooden structure

Our faculty and staff work together as a team and you see this constantly in the way they interact with our students and  each other.  Sharon Academy helps you determine where your interests and passions lie, and then encourages you to pursue them. Courses are designed to give you the opportunity to explore, wrestle with, question, and find meaning in the subject being taught. We foster creativity and independent thought. Here students deepen their intellectual, ethical, emotional, artistic and physical selves. You are constantly presented not just with opportunities to learn, but also opportunities to lead and develop as a leader.

We also pay very close attention to the emotional well-being of each student. It is extremely important to us that all students feel safe and become comfortable discussing issues of identity, whether those issues be cultural, academic, racial, gender-based, or religious.

As a hybrid of public and private education, we have high academic standards and students come first.  At Sharon Academy, you can be yourself, be accepted and be challenged. That’s why small is BIG.

Want to find out more? Schedule a visit

Young girl with ribbons in her hair and shaving cream smeared on her face and hands


The Sharon Academy (TSA) is a state-approved, independent day school. We are accredited by the State of Vermont and by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC).  We are members of the Coalition of Essential Schools, the Vermont Independent School Association, and the Independent Schools Association of Northern New England. Because we are an approved independent school, our tuition fees can be paid by any  Vermont town that normally tuitions students to public schools.

TSA will welcome the NEASC in 2023 for its decennial evaluation visit. To review the commission’s annual evaluation letter for 2018, click NEASC Accreditation Letter 2018 07 23.


The Sharon Academy (TSA) began as a dream of its founder, Judy Moore, one afternoon on her back porch overlooking the White River. The idea was to open a school with high academic standards where students would feel safe; a place where students came first, were able to be themselves, to be accepted socially, and to be challenged academically. TSA would be a place where students were able to take responsibility and to thrive.

Click here to learn more.