Explore TSA
We are an independent middle and high school in beautiful, rural Vermont. Our school community and small class sizes are uniquely suited to getting to know each and every student.
The mission of The Sharon Academy is
to nurture intelligent, independent, and creative thinking in a small school community,
awakening students to their immense potential and the difference they can make in the world.
Take a 2-minute virtual tour of TSA Middle School.
Take a 2-minute virtual tour of TSA High School.
TSA is a school where…
You will be known

TSA HS students working with a teacher
Everything we do is intentionally focused on building relationships with students and supporting their development toward adulthood, inside and outside the classroom. Students are encouraged to see their teachers as advocates and mentors.
“The MS and the HS are places where I think anyone who has a question or an issue
can feel 100% comfortable talking to a teacher about it.”- Mahar Sperling, TSA’16
Small classes that are collaborative and discussion-based allow teachers to more fully know their students’ strengths and challenges.
“ I would say that the experience of collaboration, rather than the sort of top-down,
‘this is what you do, this is how the knowledge flows,’
that collaborative energy was something that was useful not just in high school but in college.” – Mahar Sperling, TSA’16
Our faculty and staff work together as a team and every week meet to share knowledge and strategies for working with students, celebrate successes, and unite in support when needed.
“At TSA, teachers allow you to be who you are while also allowing you to be who you need to be
in order to become who you want to be.” – Caleb Freeberg, TSA’13
You will be valued

TSA HS Student with visiting photography teacher
At TSA the relationships that students develop with adults and peers reflect respect for individuals and what makes them unique, which promotes both long-term academic and personal growth.
“Each day I try to embody the spirit of kindness, childlike excitement, passion, empathy and compassion that was modeled by faculty and staff at TSA.” -Katrina Alden TSA’12
Our students succeed in part because we pay very close attention to their emotional well-being. We work to create a culture that is open and accepting of identity, whether socio-economic, academic, racial, gender-based, or religious. We believe this creates an environment of trust where students feel valued, safe, comfortable, and free to focus on learning.
“TSA supports people with all sorts of identities to really thrive.”- Mahar Sperling TSA’16
You will be challenged
Our hybrid of public and private education sets high academic standards and students are instrumental in determining how they are going to meet those standards. The goal at TSA is to help students deepen their intellectual, ethical, emotional, artistic, and physical selves. Here we value all students as they define themselves and will challenge each student to meet their potential through the discovery of new ideas, skills, and points of view. Students are explicitly taught to find their voice and to advocate for themselves.
“At TSA, I am a learner, not just a student.” Justin Wylie, 7th Grade

2018 TSA MS Circus
Courses are designed to provide opportunities to explore, wrestle with, question, and find meaning in the subject being taught. Project-based academic and extra-curricular activities foster creativity and independent thought.
“Other schools didn’t necessarily give me the same opportunities to grow and to learn and challenge myself in the way that TSA does..” Taylor Lyman, TSA’19
Leadership and communication skills are often challenges for young people. TSA students are presented with multiple opportunities to develop these skills inside and outside the classroom.
“I have been particularly struck by how articulate and mature TSA graduates are.
They speak with confidence, look you in the eye, and say what’s on their mind..”
– Brenda Metzler, Literacy Educator
…students are known, valued, and challenged.

Katrina Alden, TSA ’12, with students in Malaysia where she is teaching as a Fulbright Fellow.
TSA high school graduates are uniquely prepared for the world beyond.
“…how lucky I was to grow up around strong women role models
and a community where everyone was equally heard and valued.
The Sharon Academy is a place I am forever trying to emulate wherever I go.”- Katrina Alden TSA’12
Please read our TSA Stories or watch some videos to hear some of our graduates reflect on how TSA transformed their lives.
Learn more about TSA Middle School | ![]() |
Learn more about TSA High School |