Software Development
Software Development Elective Resources
This page and its subpages contain the documentation for the Software Development elective at TSA. Students will learn programming by working on an independent game development project. The programming language used in the course is JavaScript, along with a custom game development library created specifically for this elective called tsagame.js. It uses a combination of the HTML5 Canvas for graphics and Box2D for a physics simulation engine.
Student game projects and sample game projects are available here:
Any TSA student or teacher can use the custom web-based programming environment by logging in with their e-mail address. The programming environment is located here:
Use “New” to create a new project. All projects are saved automatically as you work. Use the “Run” button to run the project in a new browser tab. The Chrome browser is strongly recommended due to its excellent code inspection tools. Note that you may need to give the browser permission to open pop-up windows. Useful links: TSA Game JavaScript Reference — detailed documentation and examples for each feature TSA Game Resources — table of default graphics and sound resources
Quick Reference
var th = new Thing() cosmetic elements th.imagename -- name of image file th.isflipped -- reverses image (set to true/false) th.strokecolor -- color of outline th.fillcolor -- color of filled shape th.imagetext -- text to be drawn instead of image or shape th.font -- font to use to draw text th.iscentered -- set to false for x/y to refer to top-left corner th.isoverlay -- set to true for a thing that floats above game physical elements th.x, th.x -- position th.z -- depth; 100 is default, higher numbers appear above th.xvel, th.yvel -- velocity th.zvel -- angular velocity (degrees per second) th.width, th.height -- size th.angle -- rotation in degrees th.shape -- shape of thing (CIRCLE, BOX or [[x,y], [x,y],...]) th.isfixed -- set to true to fix object in place permanently th.bounce -- bounciness th.friction -- coefficient of friction from 0.0 to 1.0 th.density -- mass per square meter th.slowing -- amount of linear drag th.spinslowing -- amount of spinning drag th.isturnable -- set to false if object should never rotate th.isfast -- set to true if it tunnels through between frames th.type -- the numbered type (GHOSTTYPE for non-colliding) th.collidetypes -- list of types it collides with [0, 1, 2, etc] management elements th.isdeleted -- deletes thing when set to true th.pressfunc -- function to call when thing is pressed th.dragfunc -- function to call as thing is dragged th.releasefunc -- function to call when thing is released th.framefunc -- function to call for every frame th.collidefunc -- function to call when anything else collides with or stops colliding with thing (example management functions) function pressthing(thing, x, y) { do stuff } function dragthing(thing, x, y) { do stuff } function releasething(thing, x, y) { do stuff } function thingframe(thing) { draw stuff } function collidething(thing, otherthing, isTouching) { isTouching is true if colliding } Thing functions th.pointat(x, y) -- changes angle to point at a spot th.velocityat(x, y, speed, force) -- sets velocity to move toward a spot with optional force th.setvelocity(angle, speed, force) -- sets velocities according to an angle and speed with optional force th.spin(force) -- impart angular force to thing th.distanceto(x, y) -- returns distance to a position th.ontile() -- returns board tile letter thing is touching th.contains(x, y) -- returns true if point is inside shape th.isonscreen() -- returns true if thing is on screen th.weldto(otherthing, x, y, thingx, thingy) th.springto(otherthing, springiness, x, y, thingx, thingy) th.axleto(otherthing, x, y, thingx, thingy, minangle, maxangle) th.dolater(function, timedelay) -- do function after n seconds Utility functions game.clear() -- remove all things and map tiles from the game setbackground(image_file_name) setgravity(horizontal, vertical) -- meters per second per second tiletype('letter').imagename = image_file_name tiletype('letter').type = tile_collision_type tiletype('letter').shape = tile_collision_shape tiletype('letter').bounce = tile_bounce tiletype('letter').friction = tile_friction setboard(array_of_strings, map_function) -- set the board only after defining tile types map_function is "function name(letter, column, row)" for special initialization tile(column, row) -- returns board letter drawline(start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y, color, line_width) drawcircle(center_x, center_y, radius, color, line_width) playsound('soundname') -- play a sound effect playmusic('songname') -- play music loop stopmusic('songname') -- stop music in progress randint(low, high) -- return a random integer from low to high random(low, high) -- return a random value from low to high game.pressfunc -- called when pressing anywhere (x, y) game.dragfunc -- called when dragging anywhere (x, y) game.releasefunc -- called when releasing anywhere (x, y) game.framefunc -- called every frame ispressed(control) -- check if key/button was just pressed isholding(control) -- check if key/button is being held down control values: LEFT, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, SPACE, KEY_A..KEY_Z, KEY_0..KEY9, CLICK
dolater(function, delay)
view.x, view.y -- to scroll the view view.width, view.height, view.aspect -- set the view scale board.tilesize -- set the size of environment squares