2020-21 Staff Changes

One of the most exciting aspects of a new school year is welcoming new members to our TSA family and celebrating transitions among our existing staff.
Since last year, we have bid farewell to Anna Ausubel, Sarah Brown-Dropkin, Tom Canfield, Catherine Farrington, Randy Leavitt, Michael Livingston, and Pam Ward. Sandy Thorne is on leave helping a sick family member in Florida. This year TSA welcomes four new teachers and one new staff member.



Parker Beaupre

Parker Beaupré (Middle and High School Spanish) Parker joined the Sharon Academy faculty in 2020. He grew up in nearby Meriden, NH. Before TSA Parker was studying Spanish in and outside of school, using those skills on various film projects. When not teaching he loves being outside, listening to music, and playing soccer.


Ben Gross

Ben Gross (Middle School Math & Homework Club) Ben joined the Middle School faculty. He graduated from TSA in 2015 and earned his BA in Mathematics from Northern Vermont University in Johnson, VT. Ben played basketball and soccer at TSA and continues to enjoy playing. He hopes to do some coaching and one day to earn a master’s degree in Mathematics.

Paul Hurwitz

Paul Hurwitz (Facilities Director) is the father of Jacob TSA’12 and Abby TSA’14.  Paul brings over 30 years of facilities management experience to TSA, most recently from On The River in Woodstock, VT. Paul is an avid skier; Killington is his ski “home”. He spends summer sailing Lake Champlain on his 15 meter Nacra catamaran and riding his motorcycle. He and his wife, Shari, live in Stockbridge, Vermont. He holds a B.S. in Business Management from New England College.

Janine Manninen

Janine Manninen (Geometry) Janine joined TSA with twenty years as a certified math teacher. She also has a home-based business in Roxbury, VT. Green Mountain Dog Camp offers private and group dog training classes and daycare. She plays competitive tennis, hikes with friends and her four dogs, windsurfs, and stand-up paddleboards.

Angie Spickard

Angie Spickard (Biology) Angie joined TSA with a BS in Biology from James Madison University and an MS in Biological Sciences from Western Michigan University. Angie has worked as a science researcher in biomedicine and terrestrial ecology, and developed environmental policy related to air quality. Angie likes to make things, be outside, and spend time with her family.

Changes in responsibility are:
  • Kimberly Barnhart who is shifting gears from teaching history to teaching French.
  • Spike Carter who has returned to teach 9th/10th grade English.
  • Stephanie Davis has shifted from 9th/10th grade Social Studies to 11th/12th grade History.
  • Blake Fabrikant has extended his Athletic Director influence with additional responsibilities as Dean of Students.
  • Kate Fabrikant began as a school counselor at TSA in 2009. After recently delivering her second child, she has returned to school as Assistant Director of Human Resources.
  • Kevin Gish has returned to TSA to teach geometry at the Middle School. He had retired from teaching advanced math at the high school in 2019, but couldn’t stay away!
  • Hannah Levinger shifts from 9th/10th grade English to Social Studies.
  • Kyle Paquette joined TSA in 2018 as the Middle School Homework Club Coordinator. This year, he takes over from Pam Ward as the Academic Services Coordinator at the Middle School.
  • Janice Stumpf has filled so many roles at TSA since its inception. She continues her work as the Director of Human Resources this year but has also replaced Catherine Farrington as Administrative Assistant at the Middle School.
  • Christa Wurm has shifted from Dean of Students to the newly created position of Equity & Wellness Coordinator. She is also the Electives Coordinator.