2021 Exhibition Days

12th graders present their Exhibitions on Wednesday, April 28.

  • Film Scoring—Exploring the role of composition in film from a technical & historical perspective, including 3 original scores.
  • What Influences an Influencer?—Motivations behind social media influencers and the manipulative strategies they use on consumers
  • Sortition in America—Should America elect its government by lottery?
  • Gura Laggan & the Cave—Gurra Laggan, the 2008 mecha anime and its ties to the Allegory of the Cave.
  • “How are you?”—Our default responses to “How are you?” Even in our small TSA community, we use the question as a greeting.
  • Video Games as a Narrative Art Form—Video games have long been [disregarded as]a narrative medium, but they are amazing at telling stories.
  • Media Minded: Digital Technology and Society—Ways that human psychology influences how we use digital media, and how that technology then influences us as a society.

Eight members of the class of 2022 presented on Wednesday, April 7:

  • Answering Life’s Unanswerable Questions—What drives our curiosity to retort questions that can’t be answered? How do individuals find meaning in life and how does believing in something beyond our existence benefit us?
  • Rape and Sexual Assault Prevention Programs on College Campuses—A deeper look into what colleges are doing to combat this problem.
  • Introverts & Extroverts—Benefits and disadvantages of both qualities. And how the world understands both and has a bias for extroverts.
  • Title IX & the Trump Administration—Trump and DeVos made swift & complex changes to Title IX. A discussion of those changes.
  • Sex & Gender Differences in Sports & Head Injuries—While woman athletes are more likely to get a concussion, males are more likely to hide their symptoms. How impressions based on stereotypes lead to hiding the truth and how serious consequences can arise from this.
  • An analysis of the history, justifications, and criticisms of the Electoral College, including its impacts and future.
  • How Movies Affect Society—An overview of how movies have influenced society over the years, from WWII propaganda to recent films.
  • The State of Soccer in the US—Soccer is the world’s game, but why does the USA, one of the biggest, most powerful countries struggle to match up?

Due to pandemic protocols, audiences are small. The Presentations might not look like a typical TSA Exhibition Presentation Day, but we celebrate the engagement and perseverance of these students nevertheless!

Given the limitations imposed by pandemic protocols, students completing Exhibitions have the option this year to opt-in to or opt-out of this factor of the project.