Middle School 2021 Science Fair

What do hissing cockroaches, rocket nose-cones,
bone conductive headsets, homemade hand warmers,
and all-terrainrobots have in common?
bone conductive headsets, homemade hand warmers,
and all-terrain
To find out, come to The Sharon Academy Middle School Science Fair! Thursday, June 10, 6:30-7:30pm, behind The Sharon Academy Middle School on Route 132 in Sharon, students will be presenting their research and findings after two months of designing and conducting experiments.
With posters, demonstrations, and explanations, the students are ready to show the public what they have learned about experimental design. Plus, they are practicing how to communicate about science, an essential skill for any scientist. Free and open to the public. Great for curious kids of all ages! We hope to see you there!
(Masks and social distancing are required of all students and attendees.)