Creating One Community from Many

Creating community is an ongoing focus of work and play at The Sharon Academy. Not only is community building part of TSA’s ethos, it is an essential requirement for creating an effective, safe, and joyous learning environment. TSA faces a particular challenge acheiving this because students come from EIGHTEEN different towns, some of them almost 60 miles from one another.
On Friday, September 10, students gathered during the school’s first “Friday Forum Block”, an addition this year to the weekly schedule. The Friday Forum Block provides time and space for delving into an aspect of TSA’s mission. This might be accomplished with the introduction of a guest speaker, student presentations, or special activities. The Friday Forums during Module 1 focus on “….a small school community.” The goal of this first Friday Forum was to share some of the better- and lesser-known gems of our hometowns as part of a community building exercise.
The mission of The Sharon Academy is to nurture intelligent, independent, and creative thinking in a small school community, awakening students to their immense potential and the difference they can make in the world.
Students met in town groups to make a map of their town to hang in Moore Hall. The students above are from South Strafford. Some groups were small, others large; some students had more than one town to consider. In any case, this was an opportunity to get to know each other, discuss landmarks and features, demonstrate creativity, and share experiences and stories. What are the favorite town events? Where ar the best swimming holes? Who are the townspeople everyone seems to know?

Norwich students mapping Norwich during Forum Block 2021 09 10
On September 17, the Friday Forum will feature Sean Perry of WeRHope. Sean has worked with TSA students and staff before and will return to share his knowledge about caring for the self as a critical aspect of building community.
On September 24, students will learn about and select their top choices for how to participate in this year’s all-school Musical Interim, Beauty and the Beast, Jr. at the Interim Committee Fair.
The Friday Forums in Module 2 will focus on “…intelligent, independent, and creative thinking…” so on October 8, TSA welcomes artist Robert Shetterly of Americans Who Tell the Truth. He will share his portraits and narratives highlighting citizens who courageously address issus of social, environmental, and economic fairness.”
On October 15, Karen Ganey and Cat Buxton of Regeneration Corps will speak of their work in Vermont, bringing high school students and organizations together to collaborate on issues of resilience and agriculture.
To facilitate or recommend a facilitator for a Friday Forum, please reach out to Christa Wurm at [email protected], or call 802-763-2500 x 214. We look forward to your suggestions!