TSA to offer testing of COVID-19

TSA remains committed to help us stay safe in school and we recognized that students and staff having to quarantine in response to positive cases in our school community can be disruptive. 


To respond to these challenges, TSA will launch PCR testing the week of November 15 and Test to Stay after Thanksgiving Break, the week of November 28. These free COVID-19 testing tools for students and staff will help protect our students, staff, family members, and others who are not vaccinated against COVID-19 or are otherwise at risk for getting seriously sick from COVID-19.


These testing tools are intended to help identify COVID-19 cases quickly and also support keeping as many kids in school as possible. Our aim is to limit disruptions to in-person learning and activities while continuing to do our part to limit the spread of COVID-19.


We are working with the Vermont Department of Health and Agency of Education and are joining other school districts throughout the state that offer this program. Below is a description of the testing types that TSA will offer. We may be utilizing more than one testing type at any given time, since each has a different purpose.  


All testing is voluntary and will require consent.

The state’s consent form will allow your student to access any applicable tests outlined below. Please note two things about the first page of the state consent form:

  1. Ignore the message outlining that the program is only in response to a positive case in schools. This is not the case. 
  2. We are not currently participating in the LAMP test or the separate surveillance testing program mentioned. If that changes, we will let you know.

Consent Form


We will administer two kinds of tests at The Sharon Academy: 

  • A PCR test is a very accurate test using a nasal swab. The swab is sent to a laboratory and results are generally available in 48 to 72 hours. These are the same type of tests you can currently receive at area medical centers, state testing sites, and doctor’s offices. The goal in offering these at school is just to increase their accessibility.
  • An Antigen test also uses a nasal swab. While antigen tests are less sensitive than PCR tests, when used over several consecutive days, as we plan to do, they are highly effective at identifying infectious individuals. These will only be used by unvaccinated individuals. An important advantage of antigen tests is that our school can get the results right here at school in less than 30 minutes. 

In-School Testing for Unvaccinated Close Contacts

Antigen “Test to Stay” (TTS) Program.

Please note that with TSA’s relatively high vaccination rate and very low incidence of COVID-19 at school thus far, it is unlikely that this test type will be used regularly. Fully vaccinated students will not participate.

When someone in our school tests positive for COVID-19, their unvaccinated close contacts may, with consent, begin our Test to Stay program and:

  • receive antigen testing daily upon arrival at school for up to 7 days. Individuals who test negative and are asymptomatic may remain at school, participate in on-campus, school-sponsored activities, and ride the Tri-Valley Transit buses
  • must be picked up from school if the antigen test is positive
  • may not attend activities that involve students from another school campus.
  • must quarantine outside of school (ie they should not participate in other activities, go to the grocery store, or spend time with friends and others outside of the household)

Unvaccinated students who have had in-school close contact and do not participate in the TTS Program must quarantine for 14 days, have a negative PCR test on day 7 or later (see below), and be asymptomatic in order to return to school and other activities.

In-School Testing for Vaccinated and unvaccinated students and staff

PCR Test

We plan to administer in-school PCR tests to those with consent in the following situations:

  • Testing any students/staff with symptoms (either before they leave to go home or they may call to come in just to get the test)
  • Testing students or staff members in order for them to leave quarantine (call ahead to avoid coming into the building)
  • Testing vaccinated close contacts of COVID-19 cases between days 3 and 5 after exposure


Take-Home Testing

PCR Test

TSA will provide these test kits for use at home for vaccinated or unvaccinated students and staff who have provided consent. We will provide families with instructions to register directly in the Binx reporting system and should alert the school to the testing outcome (positive or negative). Kits may be returned to school or taken to a UPS site the same day they are used. Our school will have them mailed to the lab where they will be evaluated. We may use this test type in the following situations:

  • Students or staff with symptoms. This test type would be ideal for a person who is at home with symptoms because they can pick up the test at school and self-administer.
  • Any member of the school community or their family who needs a test due to possible COVID-19 exposure. 

Please note that sharing of information about your student will only be done for public health purposes and in accordance with applicable law and policies protecting student privacy and the security of your student’s data.

To participate in any of these testing programs, you need to complete this consent form.

Note: Before Thanksgiving break testing will be offered only at the Middle School because the high school community will be in Randolph for Interim.

  • If a student wakes up symptomatic and wants to get a test at school, please email Andrew Lane to arrange a test. 
  • Students who become symptomatic while at Chandler need to arrange to stop by the middle school on their way home to get a test.
  • Depending on their travel patterns, it might make more sense to get a test completed elsewhere.

After Thanksgiving Break, testing will happen at both the middle and high school locations.  Because these tests are being sent via UPS to a lab in Massachusetts , all testing needs to be completed before noon.  If a person becomes symptomatic after that day’s tests have been shipped, we cannot test them till the following day to ensure valid results.



To learn more about these various testing options, feel free to visit the AOE’s “Testing at a Glance” site.

We are extremely grateful to our committed families and staff who continue to show great flexibility and resilience as we work together to contain the spread of this virus.