Turquoise Day-Interim Kickoff, October 2022

As The Sharon Academy emerges from the pandemic emergency, the school recognizes the need to rebuild its sense of community. With two school years largely conducted remotely, students have lost the sense of connection with each other or with the school that fosters a conducive learning environment.  High School “Turquoise Days” are half-days marking the end of each of the eight learning modules set aside for special programming, such as excursions, visiting performances, speaker series, and workshops. Introduced last year, for the 2022-34 school year, Turquoise Days will assume a more essential role in providing adults and students regular opportunities to connect around a shared experience that builds and fosters community and reflects on the school’s mission.


The second Turquoise Day of the year took place on October 31. As students looked forward to the upcoming Interim Musical, this Turquoise Day was a kick-off to the work ahead. Students learned about stage presence from Rob Grant, Northern Stage’s new Education Director, and back-stage skills from James Roeder, Props Master and Director of Production Apprentice Company (PAC). Students chose workshops focusing on either Technical Theater or Acting and learned more about our show, The Addams Family, and the committees they’ll be working with over the course of the two weeks. 


Visit ImageRelay to see photos from the day

Thanks to Mascoma Bank Foundation for their support in this year’s Turquoise Days.