Face-to-Face and Heart-to-Heart-Thursday, November 3, 2022

Engaging in Dialogue about Issues Affecting Today’s Youth   TSA’s signature event Face-to-Face and Heart-to- Heart returned on Monday, October 3, and will continue on Thursday, November 3. At our first event, an audience of parents, grandparents, educators, and community members came together to listen and laugh with social sexuality educator Cindy Pierce, as she […]

TSA Information Event-Sunday, October 23, 2022, 4-5:30pm

Come Try TSA on for size The Sharon Academy invites families thinking about middle and high schools for their students to an informative and informal gathering to learn more about The Sharon Academy.   Join us on Sunday, October 23, 4-5:30pm, at the TSA High School for our annual Open House to learn how we are […]

Face-to-Face, Heart-to-Heart

Engaging in Dialogue about Issues Affecting Today’s Youth   Launched in 2008, TSA’s Face to Face, Heart to Heart engaged the community every winter through 2016 on the important topic of adolescent social and emotional development.   After a hiatus, partially due to the pandemic, this year Sharon Academy invites the public to a reboot […]

Knit Democracy Together

On Thursday, September 29, 6:30–8:00 pm, gather with other civically minded knitters and crafters at TSA to deepen your understanding of the electoral system. In this modern craftivist version of a knitting circle, artist and former election lawyer Eve Jacobs-Carnahan will introduce the concept of craftivism and share her knowledge of the voting process, especially […]

MS Science Fair, June 9, 6:30pm

Are you ready for the latest and greatest scientific discoveries from the hotbed of innovation that is the Upper Valley? If so, grab your kids and head to Sharon Academy’s Middle School Science Fair and Art Show on Thursday, June 9, 6:30–8pm at the Sharon Academy Middle School campus! You’ll find experiments, demonstrations, and young […]

Save the Date: Phoenix Phest-June 4, 2022

Gala makes way for “Phoenix Phest” This spring’s “Phoenix Phest” is another example of how we have been re-envisioning so much of what happens at TSA. Instead of a more traditional “gala,” which we’ve had to do virtually for the past two years, we’re going to try something different to bring as much of the […]

The Circus is Back!

For the first time since 2019, The Sharon Academy Middle School will be presenting its Carnival and Circus on Friday, March 25, 6–8pm, and Saturday, March 26, 3–5pm.   Every year, middle schoolers at The Sharon Academy put their classes on hold for a very important reason. It’s not to study for tests. It’s not […]

TSA holds virtual open house 3/9/22

On Wednesday, March 9, 2022, The Sharon Academy will hold a virtual open house via Zoom. The open house will briefly explain the visit and the enrollment and learner profile process, then split into middle and high school breakout rooms where participants will get to hear from the middle and high school directors and a […]

TSA adopts mask-optional protocol

As of Monday, March 7, assuming Governor Scott follows through with his current plans and guidance, TSA will no longer require that students and staff wear masks while in the buildings. Masks will be optional for each person. For details, please read the FAQs below:   What is the state’s guidance? What is TSA’s current […]