2017 Mannequin Challenge

We recently showed this video from 2017 at our first ever Virtual Gala in 2020. The Mannequin Challenge was a viral Internet video trend that became popular in November 2016, in which people remain frozen in action like mannequins while a moving camera films them, often with the song “Black Beatles” by Rae Sremmurd playing in the background. It is believed that the […]

HS students recognized for achievements

Congratulations to Lily Welch ’23, who was invited to join the music composition team for the 2020 Listen Up Project. Listen Up is a community project to develop an original musical written by and about Vermont Teens. The selection committee told Lily, “We really enjoyed getting to listen to your creative work and were truly impressed […]

MS Student Wins Essay Contest

Congratulations to 8th Grader Farren Stainton, winner of the 2020 Association for Women in Mathematics Essay Contest! Essays are based on interviews with contemporary women mathematicians and statisticians in academic, industrial, and government careers. Read Farren’s essay.

Former TSA Teacher Passed Away

Former TSA teacher Bob Leister passed away on Tuesday, November 26, 2019, just after turning 90. Those of you who knew him may be interested in attending his memorial service Friday, December 13, 11am, at Rochester Federated Church. If you can’t attend, The Women’s Alliance at his church is collecting stories and will print them […]

TSA to Have Representation on UVM Advisory Board

Director of Career and College Advising Ellen Bagnato will be joining the University of Vermont’s school counselor advisory board December 2019.  The purpose of the board is to help advise the admissions staff and other key constituents at the University regarding trends in secondary schools, communities and the college search and selection process. The board seeks representation from a […]

TSA MS Student Selected to Be Legislative Page

Congratulations to Farren Stainton who has been selected to be a part of the Vermont Statehouse Page Program! Farren applied this fall to be a Legislative Page and will be at the statehouse four days a week for seven weeks from late February to early April. It is an exciting opportunity for her. We are so […]

TSA Middle School Wins Grant for Curriculum Project

Marcy Innes and Fallon Abel are two TSA Middle School teachers who applied for and won a grant of $498 from the Bread Loaf Teacher Network to fund the purchase of 45 copies of the novel The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas, for the Middle School’s unit on civil and human rights and to […]

Lingelbach Woods Dedicated

Wednesday, October 16, was a beautiful fall day for The Sharon Academy to dedicate the “back 80” acres of woods behind the high school to former TSA board member and friend of the school, Jenepher Lingelbach. Jenepher was an educator, environmentalist and poet. She founded the VINS Environmental Learning for the Future (ELF) program and […]

Student Poem Published

The October 10/10/19 issue of The Herald of Randolph reported on Jillian Sherwin ’21, whose poem, “But Life Is Life” was published in the Young Writers Club Anthology #10. This is her second time to be published in this book. Her poems “Women Stand Up” and “What If?” were published in last year’s edition of […]

TSA Student Off-Broadway

Olivia Swayze ’21 is in a play named a New York Time’s Critic’s Pick. “Only Yesterday” is being performed Off-Broadway after having premiered at Northern Stage in White River Junction. Olivia plays a fan of Paul McCartney and John Lennon. Learn more.