TSA Student Named National Merit Semifinalist

On September 11, 2019, the officials of National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) announced the names of approximately 16,000 Semifinalists in the 65th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. These academically talented high school seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 7,600 National Merit Scholarships worth more than $31 million that will be […]

TSA Welcomes New Staff for 2019-20

Every year TSA is fortunate to find qualified, enthusiastic, and supportive faculty and staff to help achieve our educational mission. This year is no different.  We are pleased to welcome Anna Ausubel (HS Biology), Mary Cates (MS Spanish), Kyle Paquette (MS Homework Club), and Kayleigh Rodig (HS Writing), We are also thrilled to have two […]

TSA HS Students at the 2019 Governor’s Institute of Vermont

The following TSA high school students attended the Governor’s Institute of Vermont this summer: Peter North – Entrepreneurship Jackson Ziegler – Tech, Design & Coding Elliot Tonks – Tech, Design & Coding Trace Barnhart – Young Writers Brenna Hamlin – Young Writers Mayci LeDuc – Astronomy According to its website, “The Governor’s Institutes of Vermont provides […]

Head of School Search Update: Semi-finalists Selected

Over the past seven months the Head of School (HOS) Search and Transition Committee has been actively engaged in the search for the next TSA Head of School. The TSA Board of Trustees has been discussing and preparing for Michael’s retirement in close collaboration with Michael for several years. It has been an intentional process […]

TSA community pulls together to meet Annual Appeal goal

We did it! Together we made our goal and raised $275,000 for your local independent school, TSA, on June 30, 2019. This was very much a group effort. So many of you gave: Over 600 individual donors A record number of alumni gave a record amount as a group 100% of our faculty and staff […]

TSA Welcomes New Bookkeeper

Melissa Shekinah, The Sharon Academy’s Director of Finance, has left to travel the country on her motorcycle and to work on Goddard’s MFA Creative Writing degree. As the Director of Finance, Melissa worked tirelessly to create systems and procedures that supported TSA’s financial health, and we are so very grateful. “Leaving TSA was not an easy […]

MS Student Wins Circus Arts Award

Congratulations to Jason Pratte ’23 for winning an award for “Exemplary Commitment to the Circus Arts” with recognition from Wunderle’s Big Top Adventures and The Sharon Academy. Jason Jason juggled fire in the 2019 Middle School Circus. This is the first time in the 13 years that Troy has been leading our circus that he has […]

Band from Zimbabwe Visits TSA HS

On Tuesday, April 9, Mokoomba, Zimbabwe’s premiere band of traditional and contemporary African music, came to The Sharon Academy High School for an impromptu performance during the school’s weekly All-School meeting. Instead of covering the usual agenda of student and faculty issues, Mokoomba performed a sampling of their music and got the whole school on […]

MS Students Wins VT Arbor Day Art Contest

Congratulations to Cassie Johnson for winning the State of Vermont Arbor Day Contest: Growing Works of Art. This year, the Growing Works of Art contest theme was “Trees are terrific in every shape and size: share your tree story.” Cassie’s watercolor of the tree outside of her house won in the 8th grade category, out of 500 entries. […]