Mid-year survey supports Deeper Learning initiative

The Sharon Academy began an important initiative at its High School’s 2021-22 school year.  Dubbed “Deeper Learning”, this initiative was adopted to improve the teaching and learning experience and outcomes. Logistically, it involved moving the start of classes to later in the morning when adolescent brains are more active, concentrating learning into longer classroom sessions, […]

The Circus is Back!

For the first time since 2019, The Sharon Academy Middle School will be presenting its Carnival and Circus on Friday, March 25, 6–8pm, and Saturday, March 26, 3–5pm.   Every year, middle schoolers at The Sharon Academy put their classes on hold for a very important reason. It’s not to study for tests. It’s not […]

TSA holds virtual open house 3/9/22

On Wednesday, March 9, 2022, The Sharon Academy will hold a virtual open house via Zoom. The open house will briefly explain the visit and the enrollment and learner profile process, then split into middle and high school breakout rooms where participants will get to hear from the middle and high school directors and a […]

MS math teacher uses art to dive deep

The Sharon Academy Middle School has a robust mathematics curriculum that benefits from creative and engaging teachers. Tracy Gillespie is one whose arts training allows a unique ability to combine visual arts and math in her teaching. Now she is exemplifying how TSA faculty pursue their own deeper learning with her most recent project “Mathematics […]

TSA adopts mask-optional protocol

As of Monday, March 7, assuming Governor Scott follows through with his current plans and guidance, TSA will no longer require that students and staff wear masks while in the buildings. Masks will be optional for each person. For details, please read the FAQs below:   What is the state’s guidance? What is TSA’s current […]

13th Annual Chain Reaction Day

The Sharon Academy held its 13th annual Chain Reaction Day on Wednesday, February 2, 2022. We enjoyed a phenomenal day that started with the TSA Middle Schoolers being introduced to the High School by students Eve Huntington ’22 Phoebe Quackenbos ‘ 23, Joey Thibodeau ’24, and Iris Adamoli-Puchalik ’25, along with the amazing Señorita Raquel.  […]

Four TSA artists represented at AVA

Congratulations to Amber Boles ’22, Kailey Ekegren ’23, Ever Tofel ’22, and Lily Welch ’23 for their artwork selected by the AVA jury for including in its 2022 HS Exhibition. Amber Boles’s painting received honorable mention. The exhibition will run January 28–February 25.

Remembering Jean Brockway

The Sharon Academy has learned of the death of Jean Brockway on January 11, 2022, and remembers her importance to our school. The Sharon Academy is deeply grateful for the significant and lasting role Jean played in our formative years and beyond.  She  was our first Board President and worked tirelessly to lead our fledgling […]

Chain Reaction Day-Wednesday, 2/2/22

The Sharon Academy is excited to offer our thirteenth Chain Reaction Day on Wednesday, February 2.  This day is TSA’s way to acknowledge and honor the work of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as well as to explore all that has stemmed from that work.  We are thrilled that Ms. Xusana Davis, Executive Director […]