Electives begin at TSA HS

Electives at TSA are an amazing opportunity to explore content and skills that might otherwise be hard to access. Students have the chance to interact with teachers and peers outside of their core classes. Students also have the ability to distinguish the narrative of themselves as students through the electives they select. A student might […]

Orientation Days: More important than ever

This year, more than any other year in its 25-year history, Orientation Days at The Sharon Academy were a crucial way to start the year.  Last week, both new and returning students faced the challenge and excitement of transitioning back to school after a six-month break from in-person learning, and TSA worked hard to design […]

Orientation begins smoothly in difficult situation

School started today, Tuesday, September 8, under difficult circumstances for students and teachers throughout Vermont. Like most schools, the faculty and staff of The Sharon Academy had spent most of the summer working out the logistics to restart school in a manner that would best limit the likelihood of coronavirus infection. Following state and federal […]

TSA adopts hybrid learning and measures to limit the spread of COVID-19

Hybrid Teaching Model For the 2020-21 school year, The Sharon Academy is adopting a hybrid model of teaching and learning. On-Campus Only half of our students will be on campus at any one time to allow them to maintain safe distancing. Each student will be assigned to either the “Green” cohort or the “Phoenix” cohort. […]

A unique ceremony for a unique graduating class

Faculty and staff worked hard to make graduation special for The Sharon Academy’s high school Class of 2020. Read Randolph Herald 2020 06 22 TSA Holds Two Days of Graduation for coverage of the event. For a special glimpse of the celebration, watch this 14-minute video created by Blake Fabrikant. To learn more about this class, […]

2020 Summer Reading

Congratulations to our students for having completed a very challenging school year. As we prepare for school to open at the end of August, please remember to complete the summer reading assignments. 2020 MS Summer Reading 2020 HS Summer Reading

2020 Middle School Graduation Ceremony Video

Watch the 2020 Middle School Graduation Ceremony on YouTube In this unusual year, The Sharon Academy Middle School conducted the last quarter of the year at a distance. Graduation could not be held in the usual way with the whole community gathered together; however, the ceremony took place in a special way to celebrate the […]

TSA Blood Drive-Thursday, July 9, 12-5pm, Now at The Bethel White Church

Due to anticipated heat, the Blood Drive will take place at The Bethel White Church. The Red Cross needs blood donations as much as ever. To make an appointment for this drive, and to check if you are eligible to donate, please visit redcrossblood.org. Walk-ins are welcomed, but you will have a longer waiting time. For […]

Congratulations to the Class of 2020

How does a school preserve the right of passage that is a high school graduation while also keeping its students and community safe in the time of COVID–19? At The Sharon Academy (TSA), a team has worked diligently to re-imagine a graduation ceremony that continues to honor each individual graduate while still following guidelines for […]