TSA adopts hybrid learning and measures to limit the spread of COVID-19

Hybrid Teaching Model

For the 2020-21 school year, The Sharon Academy is adopting a hybrid model of teaching and learning.

  • Only half of our students will be on campus at any one time to allow them to maintain safe distancing.
  • Each student will be assigned to either the “Green” cohort or the “Phoenix” cohort.
  • The “Green” cohort will be at TSA on Mondays and Tuesdays each week.
  • The “Phoenix” cohort will be at TSA on Thursdays and Fridays each week.
  • On Wednesdays, all students will be off campus.
  • When students are on campus, they will attend all of their classes.
Faculty are aware of the importance of designing meaningful, reasonable endeavors for students during their time at home. We received helpful feedback from the parent survey we sent out in June, and are meeting regularly to discuss best practices around remote learning.
  • Students will be given clear, consistent instructions about what to do when they are not at school.
  • There will be scheduled check-in times for students to meet virtually with advisors and support staff.
  • Students will be held accountable for the work they do at home: their remote assignments will contribute to their evidence of proficiency and overall course grades.
  • Teachers will be conscious of the amount of screen time expected of students while they are working from home.
We are calling this model the “2:3 Plan” (ie the “Two-Three Plan”): 2 days a week on campus, 3 days a week off campus.
See the Middle School Schedule.
See the High School Schedule.


School Health Procedures

To minimize the risk of transmission, procedures have been developed using the Vermont Agency of Education “A Strong and Healthy Start” Guidance for Reopening Schools, Fall 2020. The Sharon Academy has put in place a series of steps to provide a safe environment for our students and faculty. However, due to the nature of the virus, we cannot ensure a coronavirus free environment. Our greatest asset in providing a safe space for in-person learning is our community, we ask that you follow the guidelines issued by the State and help TSA maintain a safe and healthy start to the school year. These guidelines include:


During the COVID-19 pandemic, TSA has established temporary standard procedures to limit the transmission of the virus. Read the Student Handbook COVID-19 Addendum 2020 09, or

See the COVID-19 FAQs

  1. Wearing a mask in a public place.
  2. Keeping a small social circle and a list of people that you come into contact with.
  3. Staying close to home.
  4. Quarantining if you travel to counties that have a COVID-19 infection rate of more than 400 cases per million.


Refer to the Student Handbook COVID-19 Addendum for details, or

Visit the COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions page