The Power of Stories

We write stories because it helps us to understand ourselves and allows others to understand us. We write stories to relate to one another – to remember. We write because we believe it is important.

What has sustained TSA’s walls has been our students, faculty, volunteers, parents and community members. This is why we as a community must collect and preserve these stories. Most of us involved in TSA came because we wanted to take an active role in writing our own stories. Please join us.

This is why we, as The Sharon Academy are designating a new space to the many adventures, joys, talents and extraordinary events that go on within our building and beyond. TSA Stories will be a place to read about current events, historic events, memories new and old that are evocative of what TSA is, has been, and will evolve into being.

We invite you all to tell your stories. In just the past month few months I have sat down with TSA alums, administrators, faculty, community members and students hearing their stories: from student-led activities, to alumni changing lives, and faculty reminiscing about the past and looking to the future. TSA, this place that many of us call home, is special to us in myriad ways. Enjoy these stories in our first blog – and tell your stories too. We are listening.

email us at [email protected]

Thank you all,

Jennifer Sensenich ’11
Blog Editor