TSA Game Resources
bricks |
grass |
pavement |
stars |
nebula |
sky |
landscape |
sunset |
bricks |
crate |
metal |
wood |
ice |
fire |
asteroid |
planetblue |
planetred |
planetgreen |
barrel |
wheel |
soccerball |
basketball |
volleyball |
carblue |
carsideblue |
rocketblue |
manblue |
manblue4 |
All “blue” things have matching “red” things, so “manred” is also a valid image.
manblue4 is only one frame of an 8-frame running animation. The images are manblue0 through manblue7 or manred0 through manred7.
Sound effects
bell, boing, bump, buzz, click, harp
explode, laser, rocket, scream, bullet, shot
techno, rock, suspense, orchestral, pianofun, playful
Students’ custom backgrounds, graphics, sounds and music can be submitted to the instructor for preparation and uploading to the library.