MS Soccer First Practice Thurs., Aug 30, 2:30-4:30

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As the new school year quickly approaches it is time to think about Fall sports, in particular, middle school soccer. This year I will be coaching the team and I am looking forward to a fun and successful season. This letter includes some new and important information. Please read carefully.

First, and most important, the team needs a parent volunteer to coordinate parent drivers for away games. This is an important job as the school does not have an afternoon bus service to get the team to games. Basically, without this position being filled the team can’t operate! Please respond to this email if you are interested in being the driving coordinator.

Practices this season will be on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, from 3:45 to 5:00, usually at the Sharon Elementary School field. This is an additional day from last year. But, it is my feeling that this additional practice, will help our players develop needed skills.

Important Note: The first practice of the year will be on Thursday, August 30th, from 2:30 – 4:30 at the High School. Please pick up your student no later than 5:00 pm.

All players will need: soccer cleats, size appropriate shin guards, a water bottle, and shirts and shorts for practice. For games, players will also need green soccer shorts and green socks. The school provides uniform shirts for the team. Players are not allowed to wear football or softball cleats. Mouth guards are recommended by the Vermont Principals Association but are not required. I have found Stateline Sports to be an excellent resource in buying all sports-related products.

As we get closer to game time I will send out an update but for know if you have any questions feel free to contact me at


Rob Stainton