TSA Welcomes New Staff for 2019-20

2019-20 New Staff

Every year TSA is fortunate to find qualified, enthusiastic, and supportive faculty and staff to help achieve our educational mission. This year is no different.  We are pleased to welcome Anna Ausubel (HS Biology), Mary Cates (MS Spanish), Kyle Paquette (MS Homework Club), and Kayleigh Rodig (HS Writing), We are also thrilled to have two interns from the Upper Valley Educators Institute, Felix Ackerman and Hannah Sobel, supporting our faculty and gaining valuable teaching experience at the high school. Both will be with us through December.

Laura Mackie joins our Student Services team and, finally, we want to acknowledge again Anne Mallary, who joined us in the middle of last year as our bookkeeper. Even though she is behind the scenes, she has already been an invaluable asset to our operations.