TSA delayed 2 hours Tuesday, November 19.

Good Morning,

Today is November 19, and both The Sharon Academy middle and high schools will have a delayed opening.  Middle School classes will begin at 10:15. High School Students should plan on arriving at Chandler for a 10:15 start.  Please drive cautiously and know that we will understand if you are delayed further by the weather. If you are not relying on buses to get to school this morning, you can ignore the rest of this message.  You will find an email in your inbox that outlines all of this information.


For students who normally ride the Hartland/Quechee bus, the bus will run its normal route two hours later.  For students who ride a stagecoach bus, those buses will run at normal times and a staff person will be at the park and ride to greet you and the middle school will also be open at the normal time.  A staff person will help high school riders transfer to the Chandler bound Stagecoach bus, and then another staff person will be there to greet you in Randolph. Please call Andrew Lane at 802-765-4647 if you have any questions about your student’s travel arrangements.