Junior Exhibition Day—Monday, March 16—Canceled

Junior Exhibition Day

In 11th grade, students are required to complete a multi-faceted project, called an Exhibition, through which students execute in-depth research into a topic about which they are passionate. Exhibition assessment is based both on a written component (8–12 pages) and on an oral presentation (20–25 minutes) and includes face-to-face feedback and evaluation from a jury of teachers. Successful completion of the Exhibition requires students to work independently, develop a thesis, think creatively, research complex topics, synthesize information from a variety of sources, and present confidently to an audience of faculty and peers. Click here to learn more about Exhibitions.

Presentation schedule:
Hannah’s Room Kimberly’s Room Chad’s Room Maria’s Room Humanities Room Steve’s Room Anna’s Room
8:30-9:45 Skylar Clemens Ellie Jacobson-Goodhue Erik Younce Peter North Xia Gillespie Addison Hadlock Izzy Adler
9:55-11:10 Paige Shirley Jack Barnhart Olivia Swayze Stirling Sidaway Hap Riley Tia Kendall Emme Jenisch
11:15-12:30 Finley Lord Brenna Hamlin Anika Eastman Abigail Gross Des Piccicuto Trace Barnhart Molly Kinnarney
12:40-1:55 Ben Rodis Jacob Ruben Ewan McCrae Ian Robertson Leland Pelletier Andrew Sawyer Nathan Schwartz
2:00-3:15 Calli Goodling Aaron Romano Lydia Eastman Jillian Sherwin Nick Steventon Mayci LeDuc Isabella Amodeo


Skylar Clemens  The Small Farm Revolution–The importance of small farms in the landscape of America.

Ellie Jacobson-Goodhue   The Importance of Music Therapy in Healing Child Refugee Trauma

Erik Younce   School Spirit–How school spirit has a positive effect on students, and how it is beginning to go away.

Peter North   The American Nightmare:  The Myth of the American Dream–Economic inequality in the U.S. and the systems in place that perpetuate it.

Xia Gillespie   Capitalism in Education:  The American Drain–Why college costs so much money, the problems this causes and just how deep the problems go.     

Addison Hadlock   Depression and its Relationships with Sugar Consumption

Isabelle Adler  How Deadpool is Improving the World–Come to my presentation and see how anti-heroes benefit us.



Paige Shirley   The Religious Chokehold on Sexuality–An exploration of the negative influence of Christian values on LGBTQ youth.

Jack Barnhart   Direction, Distraction or Detraction:  Assessment in the American Education System

Olivia Swayze   The characteristics of live theater that make it both a unique and vitally important form of entertainment in our digital age.

Stirling Sidaway   The Legality of Video Game Emulation–Video game emulators provide access to games, but they are called illegal by the video game industry. Hap Riley   The Evolution of Drag–Drag has a past, present and future.

Tia Kendall    The Power of Illegal Street Art–Illegal Street Art is a more effective, meaningful and controversial way to highlight and expose social issues. 

Emme Jenisch  In the Shadow of Everest: Sherpa Culture, Buddhism and the Western Obsession that Shaped a Nation  NOTICE:  Presentation will show images of deceased humans.



Finley Lord  Religion and its Influences–An opportunity to observe the connections between active faith, community and happiness.

Brenna Hamlin  Alternative Education in Rochester–Act 46 destroyed the Rochester community.  A STEAM based school will rejuvenate it.

Anika Eastman  Blame Industrialization:  How the Modern World Caused the Obesity Epidemic in the United States

Abigail Gross  How the U.S. Workplace Impacts Stress and Mental Health

Des Piccicuto  Climate Change–How our economy is making temperatures rise across the globe & the urgency for today’s society.

Trace Barnhart  Better Than You: A Psychoanalytic Study of the Formulation and Drawbacks of a Competitive Society.

Molly Kinnarney  The Negative Effects of Being a Princess in the British Monarchy



Ben Rodis  The Hypocrisy of Liberal Vermont–VT is thought of as “liberal”, but data shows this is not as accurate as liberals would like to believe.

Jacob Ruben  The growing esports industry, with its impact on current, future and personal economics, is a field of professional income not to be dismissed.

Ewan McCrae  The Medical Truth about Gluten-Free Diets–There have been misconceptions about gluten-free diets.  I hope to deliver the truth.

Ian Robertson A Summit Too High to Climb?: Achieving Social Justice in Wilderness recreation.

Leland Pelletier  Math is All Around Us

Andrew Sawyer  Mens’ Depression and its Suppression in Western Society

Nathan Schwartz Hardships on Native American Reservations: What Can We Do?–Solutions to better the lives of those living on reservations.



Calli Goodling Uncovering Food Culture–How food can be a vessel for cultural revival and social innovation by reflecting a nation’s identity and values.

Aaron Romano  Gurren Laggan’s Connection to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave–What we can take from “silly” mecha anime.

Lydia Eastman  Perfectionism

Jillian Sherwin  Grieving Outside the Box:  How to Create a Society that Accepts our Grief–Misconceptions about grief and how to become more accepting.

Nick Steventon What Makes a Successful Leader?–Connecting traits of past and present leaders to leadership on a smaller scale, such as that of M. Livingston.

Mayci LeDuc  The Stigma Around Mental Illness–How society has developed a stigma around mental illness and the larger ramifications throughout society.

Isabella Amodeo  Be Aware of Gray Matters–What makes up right or wrong?  An exploration of moral theories and building awareness of moral diversity.


Click for a printable version of the Junior Exhibition Day 2020 Presentation Schedule.