Coronavirus Update #4

Sunday, March 15, 2020


Good Afternoon TSA Families,


As we’re sure many of you are aware, at 3pm today Governor Scott directed all Vermont schools to close no later than this Wednesday. Although this creates enormous challenges and hardships, we feel that it is in the best interests of our overall population for us to close at this time. Therefore, The Sharon Academy High School and Middle School will be closed tomorrow, March 16th, until at least April 6th. We do not make this decision lightly, but under such remarkable circumstances, it is easily the most prudent thing to do. 


Faculty and staff will continue to focus on your students’ social, emotional and intellectual wellbeing. We plan to use this coming week to further develop our distance learning plans, as well as formulate other ways of connecting as a community. We will continue to communicate with all of you throughout this process including an update tomorrow afternoon.


There is obviously so much more to say but we need to get this information out to everyone as soon as possible. We will be in touch tomorrow.