Coronavirus Update #5 (for HS families)


March 16, 2020


Dear TSA Families,


As promised, here is an update for all high school families. Andrew Lane has already sent a letter to Middle School families this evening with information specific to 7th and 8th graders.


Earlier today high school faculty and staff met for a number of hours to check in with each other and discuss the implications of a long-term school closure. Governor Scott has mandated that schools remain closed until at least April 6th. In that light, what follows is a lengthy set of explanations, all of which are important to read but not necessarily all at once, so please feel free to revisit different parts of this letter at different times.


Work previously assigned that is due this week

Teachers will be contacting students to remind them of work that has already been assigned and which students are still responsible for completing. Students should look out for these notifications. 


Plan for assigning future work

  • High school teachers will be posting assignments each Sunday at 6:00 PM to Blackbaud. That means that every Sunday, by 6pm, students will know what all of their teachers expect of them over the coming week
    • The “Sunday-at-6” plan is designed to work for families that have unreliable or limited internet access. It makes it possible for students to schedule a reliable time to check Blackbaud and their email, once a week, for information about what has been assigned. 
  • Teachers will make the deadlines for assignments clear in their communications with students, but students (or parents/guardians) should not hesitate to email teachers for help or clarification. 
  • Teachers who have been using an online platform – Blackbaud or Google Classroom – will continue to use the same platform going forward. 
  • Teachers who have not previously used an online platform for students to submit work will use either Blackbaud or Google Classroom.
  • Teachers may be asking students to use familiar online tools (e.g. Khan Academy, Duolingo, Google docs), but we will not be asking students to learn a new digital platform for work submission. 
  • It will be even more important than ever for students to check their Blackbaud and email accounts as regularly as internet access will allow. 


Getting materials from TSA

We will make sure that the high school building is open at specific times so that students/families can collect what they need. This includes belongings left at school as well as books, packets and assignments that teachers are creating this week.


This week the high school will be open:

  • Tuesday 3/17: 7am – 9am and 5pm – 7pm
  • Thursday 3/19: 7am – 9am and  5pm – 7pm


Next week, the high school will be open:

  • Monday 3/23: 7am – 9am and 5pm – 7pm


Books, hand-outs, packets and other materials that students may need starting next week will not be available for pick-up until Monday, 3/23. So please feel free to limit your visit to TSA to collect items until that day, so that you have everything you / your student needs.


The importance of social distancing

It is critically important that students understand that we have closed school in an effort to help slow the spread of COVID-19. This is not school vacation. As many students are desperately looking for opportunities to connect with one another we need to remind everyone to distance themselves as much as possible. Do not drive with friends or go visit them, do not stay overnight at a friend’s house. These are truly unusual circumstances – we need to carefully follow the explicit directives we have been given. Failure to do so puts you and others in greater jeopardy. 


Avoid Safe To Do
group gatherings, sleep overs, concerts,
movies, theaters, athletic events,
crowded stores, malls, gyms, buses
talk a walk, go for a hike, yard work,
clean out a closet, read a good book,
listen to music, cook a meal,
play a game, 
group video chats,
check on a friend (virtually)


Community Service 

With so many service opportunities restricted and an unknown return-to-school date, we will not require students to submit community service hours by June 1st. 


Junior Exhibition Presentations

11th graders, we recognize that you have put a tremendous amount of time and energy into your presentations and we are terribly sorry that you did not get a chance to present today. Maria, Michael and Mary are meeting this week to discuss how we might honor your efforts, given the uncertainty around finding an alternative date for you to present your work.


Advisor Connections and Student Support:

Throughout each week, advisors will be reaching out to connect with their advisees. Lydia Wood, our school counselor, will also be available to connect with students and schedule appointments digitally. Christa Wurm, Dean of Students, is working on creating a way to hold virtual All School Meetings once a week. Our hope is to create multiple opportunities for human connection throughout this closure. We want to be in touch with you. If you are a parent and you are concerned about your child, please reach out. If you are a student and you are concerned about yourself or a friend, please reach out.  It is our collective responsibility to look out for one another. 


Holding you all in our thoughts, 


Michael Livingston

Mary Newman