Coronavirus Update #6 (for MS families)

Dear Middle School Families,


I am writing to update you on our plans moving forward for your middle school student and their online experience along with how to pick up materials from the school.  First, I am appreciative of all your thoughts, suggestions, communication, and support over the past few days and very proud of our community.  My hope is that our strong community will continue to support one another as we move through these challenging times.  Please continue to reach out as needed.


Arranging to pick up materials:
Tomorrow (Tuesday), Wednesday, and Thursday someone will be at the middle school from 3pm -7pm each day to give you a chance to swing by the school and pick things up.  Our plan is that when you arrive, you will clean out your locker, take home books, check out a chromebook if you need one for distance learning, and get any books, supplies, or other tools that teachers will place in your lockers between now and then.  If you are not able to come retrieve your materials during this time, please let us know.  We are happy to adjust that schedule to ensure that all families can get their materials and personal possessions from school.  Please also know that this will not be a time for socializing or hanging out in the hall.  Families should pick up materials and move on as quickly as possible to maintain social distancing.  If you or your family is ill, please also refrain from coming at this time.  We will happily schedule another moment when you can pick up materials.


Starting Distance Learning:
Our hope is that we will commence with online classes and distance learning on Monday, March 23rd.  Our goal is that students will receive an email with directions on where to go to get assignments, how to access the needed tools, and how to engage in the learning process on Sunday evening, March 22nd.  This should set them up for the week so they can map out a schedule for their week, integrate quality outdoor and social time, and create a regular rhythm to their day and week.  While the governor has mandated closure of schools through April 6th, it is quite possible that this closure will last longer and we want to create a program and schedule that will support student learning and engagement over the duration.  There will certainly be hiccups along the way and challenges we will face, but we think we will all find that as long as we stay in communication with each other, there is little we cannot accomplish.


Advisor Connections and Student Support:
Our plan is that throughout each week, each student’s advisor will find ways to connect with them in a variety of media.  Additionally, Lydia Wood, our school counselor will also be available to connect with students and schedule appointments digitally.  Our hope is to create both small group and one on one platforms for human connection throughout this closure.  As we hone our tools for these connections, we will keep you informed.


If you are in need of support, whether it is technological, emotional, educational, or nutritional, please do not hesitate to reach out.  We are here to support you and look forward to staying connected.




Andrew Lane and the Middle School Staff