TSA Sports begin with safety protocols

Governor Scott has announced that school athletics can occur with important safety measures:
  1. Before entering the field, all spectators (students and other fans) must check in at the staff table behind the school to add their names to the event attendance log.
  2. Guest team players are limited to 2 spectators, who will include the player’s name next to theirs in the event attendance log.
  3. Everyone must wear a mask at all times and remain at least 6′ from those outside their group.
  4. No one is allowed inside the building (which will be locked) for any reason, except TSA soccer players, who will have access to one classroom and a bathroom.
Note: Referees are exempt from using masks while on the field of play (unless directly addressing a player for a penalty call, etc.)
On Saturday, September 26, The Sharon Academy had its first interscholastic game since the State of Emergency. Varsity Boys Soccer played Windsor and Varsity Girls Soccer played West Rutland at noon.
Join us this season! Click for the Athletics Calendars.