Class of 2021 delivers Junior Exhibition presentations

On Wednesday, September 30, The Sharon Academy Class of 2021 gave their Junior Exhibition presentations. Exhibitions are a core element of TSA education. In this year of the pandemic, the presentations were postponed from last spring when school was closed. While the requirement was lifted, several students were given the option of delivering their presentation, to share the fruits of their hard work. Also different this year, audiences were limited to the assessors.

Xia Gillespie
Capitalism in Education:  The American Drain–Why college costs so much money, the problems this causes and just how deep the problems go.  

Ian Robertson
A Summit Too High to Climb?: Achieving Social Justice in Wilderness Recreation   

Addison Hadlock
Depression and its Relationships with Sugar Consumption

Trace Barnhart
Better Than You: A Psychoanalytic Study of the Formulation and Drawbacks of a Competitive Society.

Jack Barnhart
Direction, Distraction or Detraction:  Assessment in the American Education System

Emme Jenisch
In the Shadow of Everest: Sherpa Culture, Buddhism and the Western Obsession that Shaped a Nation 
NOTICE:  Presentation will show images of deceased humans.