Managing COVID-19 at TSA is a Priority

As detailed in the letter of Tuesday, October 6, TSA learned on Monday, October 5, that an individual at the Varsity Girls’ soccer game at the Long Trail School on Tuesday, September 29, had tested positive for COVID-19.  The individual has not been in contact with anyone else in our community since then. It is important to note that:
  • The Dept. of Health considers this to be a “low risk event”
  • Nobody from the event is considered to have been in close contact with the individual who tested positive
  • The Dept. of Health will not be conducting contact tracing, leveraging quarantine for players or coaches, or requiring or encouraging anyone present at the game to get tested.
To further clarify the information contained in Tuesday’s letter, the active COVID-19 case is in the TSA community, not the Long Trail community. We were assured by the VT Dept. of Health that even this amount of information was not necessary to share, since our community is at very low risk from this particular case. We endeavored to give you as much information as possible while still maintaining the individual’s privacy.
We are also aware that school districts around us are making some changes to their school reopening models, now that the state has moved to Step III. For a number of reasons, all directly related to student safety, we are not planning on making any changes to our hybrid model right now. We will be receiving additional guidance from the state next week and hope to get clarity on the current social distancing guidelines. But because we have limited classroom space, the weather is changing and flu season is upon us, we are not planning to increase the number of students on campus at this time.
If you have additional questions about this, please contact Andrew Lane, TSA’s COVID-19 coordinator, at, or Mary Newman, Head of School, at