Keep TSA Safe Over the Holidays

While the Vermont Health Department recommends against travel during the holidays, many of us are missing family at this time. It’s hard to balance our desire to celebrate the holidays with loved ones and the growing risk of COVID-19 infection. Travel or gathering does increase your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19, so we are asking families to think about how they can make their holiday plans safer. Make safety a priority for your family and…
… before your family travels out of state, be sure to:
COVID-19 tips
You can celebrate the holidays, but like other aspects of our lives right now, they will likely look different. Take extra precautions when attending or hosting an event and insist that people wear masks, keep gatherings small, cancel if anybody in your family is sick, and..
 … before your guests arrive, ask yourself:
COVID tips
We are counting on you to keep yourself, your family, and the TSA community safe. Click here for the latest Vermont Travel map. This year, many people will choose not to travel and celebrations will likely be smaller than usual. Sharing a meal virtually is not the same as being together with family and friends in person, but it could be good enough to get us through 2020. Families may also choose to gather with friends or family in Vermont with whom they already interact frequently. This is one way to lower the risk of infection while keeping social connections.
Visit COVID-19 FAQs on our website for more answers to your questions about how TSA is managing the school community’s health.