Former TSA Board Chair Brad Atwood Dies Unexpectedly at 62

On November 17, Head of School Mary Newman sent the following message about the death of former TSA Board Chair Brad Atwood:

Dear TSA Community:

It is with utmost sorrow that I write to tell you that TSA has just lost a dear friend. Brad Atwood, alumni father, former Board Chair, and tireless advocate for TSA, passed away yesterday after a short and unexpected battle with pancreatic cancer. Those of you who have joined the TSA community in the last couple of years may not have met Brad. Below is a letter of tribute from former Head of School Michael Livingston.


Brad is survived by his children Caleb, Abra (TSA ’10), Caroline (TSA ’12), and Bruce (TSA ’16); his wife, Kelley McKenna; and her children Claire Crowley (TSA ’15) and Lily Crowley (TSA ’17).


As we learn more about how we can support the family, or whether there will be a memorial service*, we will let you know. In the meantime, please hold this family in your hearts, as they mourn the loss of their husband and father.


* Note: There will be a virtual memorial service
Sunday, November 22, 3pm.
To participate, email Brad’s daughter Caroline at
to request a Zoom link.


From Former Head of School Michael Livingston:


The Sharon Academy lost a wonderful friend and terrific advocate Monday. Brad Atwood dedicated a decade of his life to promoting The Sharon Academy.


I got to know Brad Atwood extremely well over the 10 years I worked with him but I also remember him as a loving parent and community servant who worked unselfishly as a select board member in Sharon, and on the boards of Stagecoach and The Gifford Medical Center.


Bright, articulate, wickedly funny, and fun-loving with a disarming smile and a contagious laugh, Brad seemed to be ever-present; immersing himself in the very fabric of our community.


Involved, concerned, action-oriented, proactive, feisty, and at times impatient for change, Brad was keenly passionate about making our community a safer, and more viable place for families and children.


We lost a father, husband, dedicated community activist, and friend. Brad Atwood cannot be replaced but he can be emulated. As I find myself thinking about my time together with Brad, I ask—what it is I can do to help fill the void.


Read the 11/19/20 Valley News Obituary of Bradford Tyler Atwood