TSA 2021 Circus

The Sharon Academy Middle School’s Annual Circus

comes to your device’s screen

Saturday, May 15, 6pm

via Zoom

Join The Sharon Academy and Troy Wunderle for our first-ever Online Circus! We invite you and your whole family to enjoy this wonderfully zany, humorous show in its new format. Pull the family together, grab yourself some popcorn, and sit yourselves down in front of the screen on Saturday, May 15 at 6:00 via Zoom for some family fun. 

Watch our students as they juggle, devil-stick, and diablo their way through their performances, bringing much-needed joy to our communities this Spring!
About the Circus: 
TSA’s Circus program is designed to teach our students the important life skills they can take with them into adulthood: perseverance, resilience, collaboration, creativity, and importantly, a way to view failure as a stepping-stone to success. This year, because of COVID-19, The Sharon Academy has had to completely re-imagine the circus so that it is available on Zoom.  In effect, we (the adults) are modeling all of the skills we are working to teach our students in figuring out how to make sure that “the show must go on”.
We invite you to celebrate the importance and strength of community with us.
See WXAC-TV’s story about this year’s show!