TSA HS Presents Beauty and the Beast, Jr.

The Sharon Academy High School is pleased to present its 2021 Musical Interim production of Beauty and the Beast, Jr.

2021 All-School Musical Interim production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast, Jr.

2021 All-School Musical Interim production of Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, Jr.

Buy Beauty and the Beast, Jr. Tickets

While proof of vaccination is not required, audience members must be masked at all times in the theater. Audience members will be grouped into pods and distanced. As a result, there will be fewer tickets sold; families of seniors will have priority access.

Free dress rehearsals will be Thursday, November 18, 5pm, and Friday, November 19, 10am. No reservations or tickets are required but seating is limited and donations are gratefully accepted.

Note that masks must be worn at all times in the building; food is not allowed; and a waiver must be completed and submitted upon entrance.


  • Friday, November 19, 6:30pm
  • Saturday, November 20, 6:30pm

Ticket Prices:

  • $12 adults
  • $8 children under 18

For tickets

Reserve by phone: 802-763-2500 ext. 248, weekdays 10am–3pm, through Friday, November 19.

Credit Card payment only (not American Express). All credit card information is kept secure and shredded after the final show on Saturday.


 Or, purchase at the Chandler Box Office weekdays 10am–3pm, through Friday, November 19.

If the cost of tickets is prohibitive to any family, please email Anne Mallary

If you have other questions regarding tickets, please email the Box Office.