TSA to set its own tuition

When The Sharon Academy was founded, one of the core beliefs Judy Moore set forth with the Board of Trustees was that our school should be financially accessible to all students who are attending from a local choice town (like Sharon). 85% of our students, on average, have historically been publicly funded.

To achieve that, the school needed to tie its tuition rate to a figure released by the state each year called the Announced Average Tuition (AAT).  The AAT is the maximum tuition allowed for “approved independent schools” in the state of Vermont.  This figure has historically been thousands of dollars less than that set by other area schools.

Over the past few years, TSA has been exploring ways to maintain that financial accessibility while also securing a more sustainable tuition rate.  This winter we succeeded in achieving a new status with the state where TSA is now deemed “an independent school meeting educational quality standards”.  This new status demonstrates TSA’s commitment to providing all students with an excellent education and also allows us to set our own tuition above the AAT.
By achieving this tuition liberty, TSA is able to reduce our annual activities fee, ensure we can offer high-quality programs, and better allow for future financial planning in a sustainable way.