Turquoise Day-Holiday Celebration 2023

As The Sharon Academy emerged from the pandemic emergency, the school has been rebuilding its sense of community. Gradually, students are feeling a greater sense of connection with each other and with the school, especially through “Turquoise Days”, the half-days that mark the end of each learning module.


December’s Turquoise Day launched the holiday recess.  The Holiday Celebration included the school’s quarterly Thursday Night Cafe, a beloved tradition that the pandemic undermined.  Many of our students this year had never experienced TNC and rebuilding the excitement of the event wasn’t guaranteed. Happily, the All-School Holiday Cafe brought a full program and enthusiastic responses. Middle and High School students contributed to the entertainment with comedy, magic, music, poetry, and more. 

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Local music star Noah Kahan’s visit to TNC was a special treat for students. As the third musical performance at the high school this year, he helped us part ways for the holidays in a reflective and peaceful spirit.


Thanks to Mascoma Bank Foundation for their support in this year’s Turquoise Days.