Enrollment Checklist

The Sharon Academy has an Open Enrollment policy.

Students interested in attending The Sharon Academy (TSA) do not need to complete an application. We accept Enrollments on a first-come, first-served basis. When an individual class, cohort, or division reaches enrollment capacity, additional enrollees are placed on a waiting list which is also first-come, first-served.

The Sharon Academy (TSA) welcomes students who are willing to work hard as active members of our learning community.  We seek students who wish to participate in a safe environment that supports and challenges them. We recognize that a good match between students and their school fosters engagement: academically and socially.  We believe that encouraging students to develop meaningful relationships with adults and peers benefits their long-term academic and personal growth.

Our Enrollment Office collaborates with each student and family to explore whether TSA is the school that will best serve the student. This discovery process begins when a student visits TSA, spending the day going to classes with a current student and speaking with a staff member, often the Head of School.

The Sharon Academy strives to build a diverse student body in terms of academic achievement and potential, extracurricular interests, and hometown. We value a small school culture and community.  Traditionally, we have 15 to 20 spaces available in each of the 7th and 9th grades.  Enrollment for all grades is on a rolling basis.

Enrollment Process

At The Sharon Academy, we pride ourselves on providing a supportive learning environment based on the individual needs of our students. The first steps of our Enrollment Process are designed to help families learn more about the culture and curriculum at TSA. Once students enroll at TSA, the process then helps our school to get to know them—as people and as learners—so that we can provide the challenge and support they need as they begin the school year.

The steps of how to enroll are detailed below. Each step is a required part of the process. Please remember that TSA enrollment is on a first-come, first-served basis.

If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact us at
(802) 763-2500 x203

Middle School Enrollment Process

Step 1: Arrange Visit Day

Purpose: To learn more about TSA and to schedule a school visit.

What you can expect:  We will answer any questions you may have about TSA and find a TSA host student who will be a guide for your student on their visit day. We will ask questions about your student in order to place them with a host student with whom they will be comfortable. We will also email you a schedule for the visit day for your reference.
If you believe your student may require Special Education services while at TSA, please read details of our Special Education Approval at the bottom of this page and be sure to mention your child’s previous Special Education needs during your initial conversation.

Contact Information: (802) 763-2500 x203; enrollment@sharonacademy.netAlternatively, fill out our Visit Request form.

Step 2: Visit TSA

Student visits TSA for a day

Purpose: To experience TSA first hand.

What you can expect: In the morning, you and your student will meet with Andrew Lane, Director of the Middle School. He will answer your questions about TSA, provide you with a copy of our Enrollment Form, and introduce you to the TSA host student.  Your student will attend classes with their host student through a full day of school.

Step 3: Fill Out Enrollment Form

Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis until the class is full.

Purpose: TSA’s Enrollment Form provides our school with the information needed to enroll your student in TSA.  A paper copy is also available.

 Step 4: Complete TSA’s Learner Profile

The student and family provide additional information to help customize the  student’s educational experience

Purpose: One of the ways in which TSA supports our students’ individual growth is through the information provided in the Learner Profile. The Learner Profile provides us with information which will inform our teachers as they work to set up supports and classes for your student. Much of the information submitted with the packet will also become part of your student’s digital Personal Learning Plan folder. We will send you a Learner Profile once we receive your completed Enrollment Form.

Step 5: Meet for a Learner Profile Conference

The student and family conference with Andrew Lane, Director of the Middle School

Purpose: TSA’s conference process is designed to get to know your student and their needs, and prepare our staff to provide the appropriate level of support and challenges for your student beginning on the first day of school. Please note: This is an essential step in our enrollment process, and should be completed by June 3.

What you can expect:  Once we have the complete Learner Profile, Enrollment Manager Misty Evans will call to schedule a Learner Profile Conference.  This conference is a friendly,  in-depth conversation between parents, the student, and Andrew Lane where your student will be asked to think about who they are, how they learn best, what challenges they might face as a student, and in what educational environment they feel they would flourish.


TSA holds Approval to Provide Special Education for students on IEPs or who are eligible for special education in disability areas of Specific Learning Disability (SLD) and Other Health Impaired (OHI) or who, after enrollment, are found to be eligible for special education in those categories of disability. TSA also accommodates eligible students with disabilities in accordance with and to the limits of state and federal laws, including, but not limited to, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Please notify us at the time that you submit the enrollment form if your child is or has been on an IEP, a Section 504 Plan, or an Educational Support Plan so that we can coordinate the implementation of placement and program with TSA staff, you as parents, your student and/or the sending school district. These conversations regarding implementation of the program must take place prior to enrollment and throughout the school year.

High School Enrollment Process

Step 1: Arrange Visit Day

Purpose: To learn more about TSA and to schedule a school visit.

What you can expect:  We will answer any questions you may have about TSA and find a TSA host student who will be a guide for your student on their visit day.   We will ask questions about your student in order to place them with a host student with whom they will be comfortable. We will also email you a schedule for the visit day for your reference.

If you believe your student may require Special Education services while at TSA, please read details of our Special Education Approval at the bottom of this page and be sure to mention your child’s previous Special Education needs during your initial conversation.

Contact Information:  (802) 763-2500 x203; enrollment@sharonacademy.net. Alternatively, fill out our Visit Request form.

Step 2: Visit TSA

Student visits TSA for a day

Purpose: To experience TSA first hand.

What you can expect: In the morning, you and your student will meet with Head of School Mary Newman in the high school. She will answer your questions about TSA, provide you with a copy of our Enrollment Form, and introduce you to the TSA host student.  Your student will attend classes with their host student through a full day of school.

Step 3: Fill Out Enrollment Form

Enrollment is on a first-come, first-serve basis until the class is full.

Purpose: TSA’s Enrollment Form provides our school with the information needed to enroll your student in TSA.  A paper copy is also available.

 Step 4: Complete TSA’s Learner Profile

The student and family provide additional information to help customize the  student’s educational experience

Purpose: One of the ways in which TSA supports our students’ individual growth is through the information provided in the Learner Profile. The Learner Profile provides us with information which will inform our teachers as they work to set up supports and classes for your student. Much of the information submitted with the packet will also become part of your student’s digital Personal Learning Plan folder. We will send you a Learner Profile once we receive your completed Enrollment Form.

Step 5: Meet for a Learner Profile Conference

The student and family conference with members of TSA’s Student Support Team

Purpose: TSA’s conference process is designed to get to know your student and their needs, and prepare our staff to provide the appropriate level of support and challenges for your student beginning on the first day of school. Please note: This is an essential step for determining classes for the student, and should be completed by April 15.

What you can expect: Once we have the complete Learner Profile, We will call to schedule a virtual Learner Profile Conference. This conference is a friendly, in-depth conversation between parents, the student, and members of the Student Support Team where your student will be asked to think about who they are, how they learn best, what challenges they might face as a student, and in what educational environment they feel they would flourish.


As of July 1, 2023, TSA will be approved to receive students on any special education plan. If you are planning to enroll for the 22-23 school year, please reach out to our team to learn about the currently approved categories. Of course, TSA also accommodates eligible students with disabilities in accordance with and to the limits of state and federal laws, including, but not limited to, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Please notify us at the time that you submit the enrollment form if your child is or has been on an IEP, a Section 504 Plan, or an Educational Support Plan so that we can coordinate the implementation of placement and program with TSA staff, you as parents, your student and/or the sending school district. These conversations regarding the best implementation of our program ideally take place prior to enrollment and then throughout your time in our learning community.

*Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy: It is the policy of The Sharon Academy not to discriminate on the basis of a student’s or his/her family member’s actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, creed, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil union status, age, military/uniformed service or veteran’s status, disability, or other legally protected classification in the provision and administration of its educational programs, activities, services, and access provided to the public, in accordance with and to the limits of applicable requirements of state and federal laws.  TSA complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as well as other applicable state and federal laws with respect to accommodating individuals with disabilities.  TSA provides special education to eligible students in accordance with the School’s special education approval from the State of Vermont in the categories of Specific Learning Disability and Other Health Impairment, state and federal legal requirements, the School’s policies, and in coordination with the student’s school district.