Annual Electives

Electives change quarterly at TSA High School. The following are the Quarter 2 electives offered for the 2021-22 school year.

  1. Old Time Ensemble
  2. TSA Yearbook
  3. Filmmaking
  4. The Creative Process
  5. Block Printing
  6. Bodyweight Fitness
  7. Dungeons & Dragons
  8. Knitting
  9. Rebels of the Moon
  10. Study Hall (Exhibition)

Old Time Ensemble

Let’s play some music!  In this elective, you will learn some old-time dance, bluegrass, and fiddle tunes.  All reasonable instruments are welcome (fiddle, guitar, ukulele, bass, winds, percussion)!  In addition to learning the tunes, we’ll also cover technique, some basic music theory (rhythm, pitch and some scales, diatonic chords, and also how to transpose a song from one key to another).  As such, this is a great genre to learn to play because the skills will transfer easily to other styles of music (pop, rock, etc.)  It is best if you can provide your own instrument, but we will work to find you an instrument to borrow or rent if you cannot provide your own.  All levels and abilities are welcome!  Instructors: Steve Basham and Emerson Gale

Opportunities for evidence in TSA Standards:

  • TSA 7A: Social/Emotional Wellbeing
  • TSA 5E: Collaboration

Your TSA Yearbook

The act of art-making in itself is an empathetic gesture. Students in this course will create the 2021-22 yearbook with this in mind— considering what one may have in common with others before creating an authentic record of this unique year. Students will take into consideration the needs, desires, and tastes of the school community when ‘building’ an authentic record of the year. This course provides students with opportunities to explore and reflect on their year, while also designing and crafting a visual representation of its events. All yearbook members will take photos, design pages and work together to create the yearbook. Instructor: Laura DeCapua

Opportunities for evidence in TSA Standards:

  • TSA 5D. Persist and Revise
  • TSA 5E. Collaborate Effectively


In the Filmmaking Elective, students will learn the introductory processes and theories of filmmaking through immersive projects.  We will cover topics in relation to writing, shooting, directing and editing short films. Each student will leave the class with the skills and knowledge to craft a short film from conceptualization to completion.  Students must have access to a video camera- a smartphone is fine- and they must have access to a laptop to edit footage.  Instructor: Blake Fabrikant

Opportunities for evidence in TSA Standards:

  • TSA 4G. Artistic Expression
  • TSA 3D. Use Appropriate Tools Or Materials

The Creative Process

In this course, students will be offered tools and processes to tap into their creativity more easily, fluidly, and successfully. Through experimentation, chance, and improvisation, students will embark on a multidisciplinary approach to art-making that integrates the literary, visual, and physical modes of creation. What does it mean to be or go into a flow state? How can one move beyond a creative block? What does it mean to be an ‘artist’ anyway? In uncovering the answers to these questions and more, students will work on multiple smaller projects over the class and culminate with a performance or presentation of a final project. A journaling practice will be an element to the course.  Instructor: Otto Pierce

Opportunities for evidence in TSA Standards:

  • TSA 7A. Social and/or Emotional Well-Being
  • TSA 5A. Identify and assess new opportunities to learn.

Block Printing: Story and Practice

In this art class we will explore the history and practice of block printing, one of the oldest continuously practiced methods of art. We will learn the entire process: design, carving and printing with a variety of materials: styrofoam and other found materials, as well as the more traditional vinyl and linoleum blocks. We will also learn how to scan and work with artwork digitally. Finally, we will explore the question: can printmaking change the way we see the world? Instructor: Tracy Gillespie

Opportunities for evidence in TSA Standards:

  • TSA 3F. Investigate Approaches and Discover Solutions (See also: National Arts Standards)
  • TSA 3D. Use Appropriate Tools or Materials

Bodyweight Fitness

In this elective, students will push themselves physically and mentally to get in shape! Students will also have the opportunity to explore many different types of exercise and practice establishing healthy exercise routines that they might continue after the elective ends. Students will try different types of bodyweight exercises, from Tabata to yoga, pilates to Zumba, and all things in between. Students will set personal goals for their progress and be able to check-in and adjust those goals throughout the quarter. There is no prerequisite level of fitness for this elective – students will be measuring their improvement based on where they began, not compared to each other. Instructor: Rachel Milito

Opportunities for evidence in TSA Standards:

  • TA 5B Set goals and make informed decisions
  • TSA 7B Physical well-being

Dungeons & Dragons (D&D)

Dungeons and Dragons is a role-playing game.  It’s a game that’s about collective storytelling, exploring, battling, and improvisational acting.  Students will have the opportunity to learn to create characters, play dungeons and dragons as players, as well as to create and run an adventure as a dungeon master. Instructor: Chad Behre

Opportunities for evidence in TSA Standards:

  • TSA 4F. Interpersonal Communication
  • TSA 5E. Collaborate Effectively


In this class we will learn to knit- students who already have foundational knitting skills should still sign up as we will be doing some more complicated patterns as well. All knitting supplies will be provided and students will learn to knit, purl, increase and decrease stitches- everything needed to make their own hats and scarves. Instructor: Hannah Levinger

Opportunities for evidence in TSA Standards:

  • TSA 5E. Collaborate
  • TSA 6C Engage in Community and Responsible Citizenship: Diversity

Rebels of the Moon

In this class, we will create a toolbox of resilience and self-love by exploring yoga, meditation, the chakra system, dancing, nature, art and community.  Together we will create a safe space for us to explore who we are and who we want to be while appreciating the gifts of nature, community and movement.  Instructors: Katrina Alden, Stine Croitoru

Opportunities for evidence in TSA Standards:

  • TSA 4F Interpersonal Communication
  • TSA 7A Explore Social, Emotional and Physical Well-Being

Study Hall (Exhibition)

This class is for students who need to hone their study skills, time to work on long-term projects like Exhibition, and are eager to accept guidance and instruction in research writing and study skills. Instructor: Grayson Levy

Opportunities for evidence in TSA Standards:

  • TSA 5B: Set goals
  • TSA 5F: Reflect