Band from Zimbabwe Visits TSA HS

On Tuesday, April 9, Mokoomba, Zimbabwe’s premiere band of traditional and contemporary African music, came to The Sharon Academy High School for an impromptu performance during the school’s weekly All-School meeting. Instead of covering the usual agenda of student and faculty issues, Mokoomba performed a sampling of their music and got the whole school on […]

MS Students Wins VT Arbor Day Art Contest

Congratulations to Cassie Johnson for winning the State of Vermont Arbor Day Contest: Growing Works of Art. This year, the Growing Works of Art contest theme was “Trees are terrific in every shape and size: share your tree story.” Cassie’s watercolor of the tree outside of her house won in the 8th grade category, out of 500 entries. […]

MS Student Wins National Math Essay Contest

Congratulations to Farren Stainton ’24 for winning First Place in the Grades 6-8 category of the 2019 Association for Women in Mathematics’s Essay Contest. The Association had 307 entries across the three categories (Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, and Undergraduate), from 46 states, the District of Columbia, and three other countries. Each contestant had to interview a […]

TSA Students Create Video Games in Q3 Elective

Elective classes meet for one hour and forty five minutes on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at TSA High School. The elective block allows students to explore interests that may not be covered in the core curriculum, to learn about a topic they may never have considered before, and to mix with different student groups. In addition, […]

TSA Head of School Search Update

February 13, 2019 Dear TSA Community, Last month, Head of School Michael Livingston, announced to our community his plans for retiring from his position in June of 2020. The purpose of this letter is to update you regarding the steps that are being taken to carry out a thoughtful, intentional and transparent search for new […]

TSA Welcomes Teacher’s New Baby

Anna (Kristensen) Riley ’05, our beloved Spanish teacher, and her husband TJ had their first child on Tuesday, January 15, 2019, Anna reports: “We’re back home with our son, Seamus Brock Riley! He came at 3:15am on Tuesday morning, with the help of the awesome birthing team at Gifford, and of course, the unwavering support […]

Making the Wonder Years Wonderful

On Tuesday evening, January 16, 2019, the Middle School hosted parents and educators from around the Upper Valley to hear Dr. Nancy Doda, a nationally-recognized expert in middle grades education, speak about the unique needs of middle school students. We had a fabulous turnout and everyone learned so much. Young adolescence, ages 10-15, is that […]

ML’s Letter Announcing His Retirement

Thursday, January 10, 2019 Dear TSA Parents, Guardians and Alumni, Of all the letters I’ve written in my 19 years at TSA this may be the most significant. It is very important that you receive this information from me directly. You have all made such an enormous difference in my life – I will be […]

Michael Livingston, Head of School, Announces Retirement

Sharon, VT – Michael Livingston, the Head of School at The Sharon Academy (TSA) announced today he will be retiring in June 2020, after 20 years of service.  Michael has played an integral role in the growth and success of TSA, building off of the foundation Judy Moore laid when she established the school in […]

TSA Student Receives Rotary Award

Tuesday, January 8, 2019 Nicole Harrington TSA ’20 received the White River Rotary Student Recognition Award, for exceptional achievement in Health Sciences, Level I, at the Hartford Area Career and Technology Center. Nominated by her teacher for reflecting the school’s mission statement of Respect, Engage, Learn, Work, Serve, Grow, Nicole received a certificate and a […]