Michael Livingston, Head of School, Announces Retirement

Sharon, VT – Michael Livingston, the Head of School at The Sharon Academy (TSA) announced today he will be retiring in June 2020, after 20 years of service. Michael has played an integral role in the growth and success of TSA, building off of the foundation Judy Moore laid when she established the school in 1996 with 12 students. While helping to grow the school to full enrollment at 150 students, Michael ensured that The Sharon Academy Middle and High Schools are learning environments in which students are known, valued and challenged, and where faculty and staff are dedicated to providing a curriculum that gives all students the best opportunity to excel and thrive.
“It has been my honor to work with such a dedicated and energetic group of educators,” said Livingston. “They fully embody the principles of TSA, which is to trust and respect our students and each other, and to challenge themselves to provide the best environment and opportunity for learning. The next Head of School will find an extremely talented and committed team, excited about implementing our next phase of growth and development.”
The Sharon Academy has been preparing for this transition for over two years. TSA’s Board has formed a search committee to undergo a thorough search for a new Head of School who will bring TSA into its next growth phase. “Michael Livingston has been the absolute champion of The Sharon Academy and we will feel his absence deeply and personally, but he has prepared us well,” says Sperry Wilson, Board Secretary. “He has built an enduring culture and a strong, thoughtful leadership team. We will hold tight to our history and all that makes us special, while embracing growth and changes ahead. It’s the TSA way! We know Michael will continue with inspiring work in his retirement and we cannot wait to see what he tackles next.”
Says TSA’s Board Chair John Roe, “Michael leads by example. He has made TSA a vibrant example of excellence that helps shape education in Vermont, and a place where students look forward to the next day at school. Michael may be changing his role at TSA, but I know that he doesn’t stand still so I look forward to how he next uses his passion for helping students grow.”
The Sharon Academy has a long history of being on the cutting edge of educational advancements. Michael helped create a culture that examines the latest research and understanding about how young people learn, applying ideas that advance TSA’s learning and teaching philosophy. Examples of TSA’s unique learning environment are two annual all-school events, the high school musical and middle school circus. Each year, both schools transform into full-scale production companies for two weeks with students taking on the myriad responsibilities for these large scale productions. Students truly take the lead – managing all aspects of the shows including at the high school, developing and teaching the choreography to other students, leading and playing in the band, designing and building sets, running and designing lighting and sound, and sourcing and making costumes. Appropriate age level risk taking and leadership are the true hallmarks of these productions where decision making is shared equally among faculty, staff and students.
“Of all the accomplishments that I am pleased we were able to achieve,” reflected Livingston, “I am most proud of establishing an authentic distributed leadership model. At TSA, faculty, staff and students share significantly in leadership and decision making. This has fostered a creative mindset that allows constant reassessment of teaching and learning practices. A distributed leadership model creates an empowered learning community that acts on opportunities for improvement.”
“I am incredibly grateful to Michael for his leadership at the school, creating an environment where I, and so many others, have been allowed to flourish and grow,” said Jed Putney, Commercial Credit Analyst at Mascoma Savings Bank. Jed is a graduate of The Sharon Academy and former board member and Treasurer. “Michael will leave behind an incredible legacy of school culture where students truly are known, valued and challenged.”
Highlights of Michael Livingston’s Tenure:
Stable Enrollment: Despite a 25% decline in the statewide student population, TSA has managed to maintain a stable student population.
NEASC Accreditation: Michael led TSA to its first National Accreditation through New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC). From the NEASC website: “A globally recognized standard of excellence, NEASC/CIS Accreditation attests to a school’s high quality and integrity.” https://cis.neasc.org/
Expanding student services: Michael expanded the resources available to students to help support their educational, emotional, and social growth.
Full-time School Counselor: TSA has had the benefit of a full time school counselor for the past 10 years.
College and Career Advising: Separate from the School Counselor position, TSA students enjoy the benefits of a full-time College and Career Advisor who takes each student step-by-step through the process of determining life after high school.
Special Education: Michael oversaw the implementation of 2 categories of Special Education: OHI and SLD, which represent approximately 45% of the special education learners in the state of VT.
Open Enrollment: Under Michael’s oversight, TSA went from an application process to open enrollment.
$1.5 Million Capital Campaign: Recently, TSA completed a successful Capital Campaign, raising $1.5 million to enhance student support services, increase faculty development opportunities, and strengthen programs at the school, including:
Scholarships: TSA now offers scholarships to Middle School students each year.
Increasing Outdoor Education Opportunities:
Creating trails throughout our 100 acre property
Purchasing new equipment for use in our annual kayaking and sugaring electives
Raising a barn for outdoor education classroom space and storage of outdoor equipment
Providing Bus Service: TSA now offers bus service to a number towns including: Hartland, Tunbridge, Chelsea, Rochester, Pittsfield, and Stockbridge. This provides an environmental benefit, as well as economic assistance for families who may not have been otherwise able to get their students to TSA.
Adopting Proficiency-Based Learning: Adopting a proficiency-based system of teaching, assessing and reporting significantly increases a student’s understanding of and connection with their own learning. Additionally, it allows a focus on the mastery of the 21st Century Skills that colleges and employers report are critical for success. http://www.naceweb.org/about-
us/press/2017/the-key- attributes-employers-seek-on- students-resumes/ -
Flexible pathways for education: A founding tenant of TSA has always been to meet students where they are in order to provide both the support and challenge they need.
Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs): PLPs and the weekly class dedicated to maintaining them give students a higher level of awareness and ownership of their education.