
The mission of The Sharon Academy is to nurture intelligent, independent, and creative thinking in a small school community, awakening students to their immense potential and the difference they can make in the world.

The Sharon Academy’s mission is integral to the operation and the vision of our school. We intentionally and deliberately incorporate our mission into our practices each day—it is the foundation of our school’s community.

Students reaching for a ball

TSA’s faculty and staff work together as a team, dedicated to the implementation of the mission and the support of students. 

TSA helps students determine where their interests and passions lie, and then encourages students to pursue them. Curricula are developed to foster creativity and independent thought, giving students to opportunity to explore, wrestle with, question, and find meaning in the subject being taught.  Many of the school’s events are intended to help students expand and deepen their intellectual, ethical, emotional, artistic and physical selves. Leadership opportunities abound within the program.