Student Representatives elected to Board of Trustees

The TSA Board of Trustees welcomes the representation of students by electing two students nominated by their peers. Typically, students are nominated as juniors and serve for two years with staggered terms. This year, the nominees are both rising juniors. Abe Dunne and Evan Hare anticipate serving for two years.

After each spoke at All School Meetings earlier this spring to articulate their interest in and commitment to representing the student body on TSA’s Board of Trustees, the two were whole-heartedly supported by the students, the faculty, and staff. The Board subsequently elected both at the Annual Meeting in June. 

Hartland resident Abe Dunne is a cellist who enjoys performing with and for others. He told his schoolmates, “I’ve always wanted to help make a positive change in the world and the local communities around me. I see this position as a perfect way to do this, to allow me to help and represent our student community and make sure our voices are heard. Especially now, with many changes occurring (the schedule change, the STEM wing, and new faculty), it is vitally important students’ thoughts and opinions are heard by the Board.”

Evan Hare entered TSA in September 2023 as a sophomore. She lives in Strafford with her parents, a younger brother, 2 dogs, 3 horses, and 6 chickens. She confessed, “I have never really been a leader. It is always easier for me to follow someone else’s opinion than to speak up about my own. This has held me back… and I think that being part of a leadership organization, where I am forced to speak up, will help me build life skills, and also allow my opinion to be heard and valued so that I can make a difference in a place that values student voices.” 

Abe and Evan will start their membership at the annual board retreat this August. Head of School Mary Newman noted, “We are thrilled by their enthusiasm and commitment to this important work.”