Senior Exhibition Day-Monday, May 6, 2019

Senior Exhibition Day
Monday, May 6, 2019


In 12th grade, students are required to complete a multi-faceted project, called an Exhibition, through which students execute in-depth research into a topic about which they are passionate. Exhibition assessment is based both on a written component (8–12 pages) and on an oral presentation (20–25 minutes) and includes face-to-face feedback and evaluation from a jury of teachers. 

Successful completion of the Exhibition requires students to work independently, develop a thesis, think creatively, research complex topics, synthesize information from a variety of sources, and present confidently to an audience of faculty and peers

The progression between Junior and Senior Exhibition is designed to encourage growing independence and self-assessment throughout the process of crafting an argument driven product. Seniors work independently with the guidance of a faculty mentor and present to an audience of faculty, peers and community members.  Click here to learn more about Exhibitions.


Presentation schedule:
Hannah’s Room Kimberly’s Room Chad’s Room Maria’s Room Spike’s Room
8:30-9:45 Tommi Hoyt Cora Tallman Taylor Lyman Fisher Kelley Ronald Johnson
9:50-11:10 Emma Sawyer Emma Hansen Olivia Lhundup-Zebo Erin Shands Wednesday Gillespie
11:15-12:30 Ty Gagliardone Annabel Lapp Carl Groppe Juniper Gillespie
12;40-1:55 Alex Olszewski Sami Husain Olivia Lober Makenzi Edwards
2:00-3:15 Marguerite Souligny Matt Zaroogian Kaylee Stark-Meredith Claire Jenisch Scott Elderd


Sr Exhibition Topic Descriptions 2019