Navigating the COVID guidance at TSA

Dear TSA Community, As you may have heard about in the news, the COVID guidance from the CDC, the Vermont Health Department, and the Vermont Agency of Education has been evolving rapidly over the past few weeks in response to Omicron. The new guidance can be confusing, and there’s a lot of it, so we […]

TSA Blood Drive Wednesday, 1/12

The blood drive is coming up next Wednesday, January 12. It will be in the Gym from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Eligibility Requirements: – You must be at least 16 to donate – If you are 16 you must get your parents to sign a parental consent form (come see me if this applies […]

Holiday Self-Care

Holidays can be stressful times, and during the pandemic this is even more true.  While some folks are relieved to not have the daily routine of school/practice/work, for others it can be difficult.  Please please take care of yourself and each other during this Winter Break.  If you or someone you know need some help, […]

Thank You!

Two generous donors offered a total of $13,000 to match new donations to TSA made by the end of 2021. Since we began our annual appeal in earnest at the end of October, we have met both matches, raising over the target $13,000 in less than two months. To all of you who have given, […]

TSA 2021 Report to Towns

TSA submitted versions of the following to the various sending towns for their Annual Town Reports.      What an incredible year 2021 has been. Like other schools, we started in the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic with hybrid learning. We are all so grateful to have returned to face-to-face, in-person learning, allowing us to […]

Double your donation

TSA is so grateful for our year-end challenge matches Two generous donors have pledged a total of $13,000 to match new donations to TSA made by the end of the calendar year. We have already received $5,300 to be matched! Please consider making your own tax-deductible gift before the end of December. It will be worth twice […]

TSA HS Presents Beauty and the Beast, Jr.

The Sharon Academy High School is pleased to present its 2021 Musical Interim production of Beauty and the Beast, Jr. Buy Beauty and the Beast, Jr. Tickets While proof of vaccination is not required, audience members must be masked at all times in the theater. Audience members will be grouped into pods and distanced. As […]

TSA to offer testing of COVID-19

TSA remains committed to help us stay safe in school and we recognized that students and staff having to quarantine in response to positive cases in our school community can be disruptive.    To respond to these challenges, TSA will launch PCR testing the week of November 15 and Test to Stay after Thanksgiving Break, […]

Donate today to TSA

Because the World Needs Leaders The school year is off to an amazing start! Check out this video summarizing the amazing journey The Sharon Academy high school students are on this year as we build deep relationships, strengthen their learning experiences, and awaken them to their immense potential! To learn more about giving to The […]