Coronavirus Update #4

Sunday, March 15, 2020   Good Afternoon TSA Families,   As we’re sure many of you are aware, at 3pm today Governor Scott directed all Vermont schools to close no later than this Wednesday. Although this creates enormous challenges and hardships, we feel that it is in the best interests of our overall population for […]

Coronavirus Update #3

Read a message from TSA Administration.   March 15, 2020 Dear TSA Families, We are thinking of all of you and hoping you and your families are well. We recognize these are very extraordinary times. Here is our latest update on the COVID-19 situation relative to TSA. As of this writing school will remain open. We […]

Coronavirus Update #2—3/12/20

March 12, 2020 Dear TSA Families, I hope this letter finds your family well. These are certainly exceptional times. I’m writing to connect with you about actionable steps we have taken at The Sharon Academy middle and high schools to ensure, to the best of our ability, that your children’s safety is being taken seriously […]

Junior Exhibition Day—Monday, March 16—Canceled

Junior Exhibition Day Canceled In 11th grade, students are required to complete a multi-faceted project, called an Exhibition, through which students execute in-depth research into a topic about which they are passionate. Exhibition assessment is based both on a written component (8–12 pages) and on an oral presentation (20–25 minutes) and includes face-to-face feedback and […]

TSA responds to Coronavirus threat

March 3, 2020 Dear Parents and Guardians, We are writing to provide you with information about Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and how The Sharon Academy is responding to constantly changing updates from local and national sources. Please know, we intend to keep in regular communication with all of you. As of this writing there have […]

Alumni News

The Herald of Randolph reported that Jocelyn Johnson of Sharon and Ronald Johnson ’19 of Chelsea each earned academic honors for the fall 2019 semester at Nichols College in Dudley, MA. The White River Valley Herald reported that Katherine Elderd ’16 of Tunbridge was named to the Dean’s List for the fall 2019 semester at […]

Post-Secondary Planning Night—Thursday, March 5, 6pm

Post-Secondary Planning Night Rescheduled to Thursday, March 5, 6pm This event is targeted for junior students and their guardians. 6:00—  Ellen Bagnato, Director of College and Career Advising, will give an overview of the supports TSA provides in the planning process as well as tips and tricks for parents and guardians. 6:30—  Panel discussion with representatives from […]

P3 Parent Information Night—Wednesday, March 25, 6–7:30pm

P3 Parent Information Night Canceled The objective of the evening is to answer questions about our proficiency paradigm. The questions can be on Blackbaud, how grades are calculated, our transcript, rubrics, formative work vs. summative work – really anything that parents and students are finding confusing about our implementation of personalized, proficiency-based learning. We would […]

Snow Day-Friday, February 7

TSA Middle and High Schools are closed, Friday, February 7, 2020. Due to inclement weather, school and all after-school activities and athletics are canceled.  

TSA Arts Day 2020 – Sunday, March 8

The Sharon Academy Presents Free Family Arts Day Sunday, March 8, 2020, 12-4pm at the Sharon Academy High School Route 14, Sharon, VT   Join The Sharon Academy for our Free Family Arts Day, perfect for all ages. TSA will host talented local artists leading free interactive workshops. We are pleased to confirm the following activities: […]