High School Clubs

Friday Club time creates an opportunity for student-driven, staff-supported alternative programming throughout the school year. Clubs can last one module or all year long depending on staff interest and student engagement. The main goals for TSA Clubs are as follows:

  • To engage in Deeper Learning outside the formal classroom setting
  • To connect and share in common interests
  • To foster positive relationships and positive interactions between all members of the community
  • To encourage student leadership, decision making, planning and engagement
  • To have fun and decompress at the end of a busy work week

Examples of Clubs Offered: Soccer Club, Book Club, Movie Club, Queer Straight Alliance (QSA), Spanish Culture Club, Crafting Club, Skateboarding Club, Frisbee Club, Dungeons & Dragons Club, Outing Club, Phoenix Activity Club, Leadership Council, Music Club, Trivia Club, etc.