
The purpose of Seminar is to support students in making informed decisions by increasing their awareness of self and others. Seminar encourages students  to maximize their TSA experience by promoting communication skills, responsible selfexpression, and facilitating access to community resources. Seminar meets once a week by grade level for 50 minutes. Topics covered in Seminar include digital citizenship, social/emotional awareness, sex education, drug education, and post-secondary exploration and planning.

Each year of Seminar is split between having an academic focus for a semester and a social/emotional focus for the other semester. This curriculum is designed to educate the whole child and to recognize that the two components, academics and social/emotional themes, are interconnected and build off one another from year to year. Themes for each year will explore the following:

9th Grade:

  • Goal: Exploring the TSA community resources and expectations and students’ part in it, including curricula covering bullying and harassment, and sex education.
  • Classes: Digital Citizenship is taught at the beginning of 9th grade to support the 9th grade students’ transition to high school. Sex Education is taught in the second semester.


10th Grade:

  • Goal: Exploring the transition to increased independence and responsibility, positive decision making, the challenges facing today’s youth, and students’ relationship to the greater community.
  • Classes: Students begin with a class examining the impacts of Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs (ATOD). In the second semester, students move into a class called Emotional CPR, led by Sean Perry of We R H.O.P.E. This courseprovides students with skills and tools to navigate their emotions and challenges.

11th Grade:

  • Goal: Identifying and articulating personal values and aspects of identity and self-awareness.
  • Classes: Sex Education and Post-Secondary Exploration through our Director of College and Career Advising.


12th Grade:

  • Goals: Continuing with self-awareness, exploring goals and creating plans for the future. Helping student prepare for their transition to life after high school. 
  • Classes: First semester, students receive guidance in post-secondary options including college application, entering the workforce and taking a gap year. Second semester invites students to reflect together as they explore the skills needed for life after high school in “Adulting” class.