MS Math

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TSA Middle School Program of Studies, ’21-’22

At The Sharon Academy middle school we approach math like a language. All students learn this language at a different pace and are at different points along the journey to mastery of mathematical content and skills.

Math class is not a part of the Integrated Curriculum. The middle school runs four or five math classes (depending on the students’ needs and abilities) that are grouped according to skill level. Students move through a standard 7th and 8th grade math curriculum in either one or two years. Faster paced students will move on to Algebra 1 in the 8th grade. By having all math classes taught concurrently, students can move between sections as needed and where a student is in their math understanding does not affect the rest of their schedule.


We have a math foundations course for students entering middle school with the need to fill in missing gaps in their elementary knowledge and to serve a home to strengthen their basic skills. This class is usually small in size and has had between 2 and 7 students in the class over the past five years. For more detail on this course, check out the syllabus below.


We offer two sections of Pre-Algebra. Each of these sections moves at a different pace through the content. The students in the slower paced course either move on to Algebra 1 the next year or take a second year to solidify their Pre-Algebra skills. The students who successfully complete the faster Pre-Algebra class almost always move on to Algebra 1 the following year. The skills taught in these two sections are similar but the pacing and depth are the major differences. For more detail on these two classes, check out the syllabus below.


This year we are beginning the journey from the concrete into a more generalized way of working with numbers. Students learn a powerful new tool and language for describing the world. The work sets the foundation for the math and science courses for your future.

We always offer an Algebra 1 course at the middle school each year. The majority of the students taking this course are 8 th graders, but if a 7th grader is prepared for this course, it is also an option for them. This course is designed to mirror a high school level class and as such has more outside work required than some of the other courses. Students who successfully master the standards of Algebra 1 move on to either Geometry or Algebra 2 the following year. For more detail on this course, check out the syllabus below.

Advanced Options

As needed, we also offer a Geometry or Algebra 2 course for students who are still in middle school but who have mastered all the standards associated with Algebra 1. This course is often quite small and has ranged from 2-6 students when it has been offered in the past five years.

For curriculum details, please view the following PDFs: