Moore/Livingston Legacy Fund

Michael Livingston and Judy Moore

This fund is named for Judy Moore, TSA’s founder, and Michael Livingston, TSA’s long-serving Head of School. Both Judy and Michael have named the Moore/Livingston Legacy Fund in their wills to leave a legacy with The Sharon Academy. They invite you to join them by considering a gift through a bequest, will, estate plan, or life income gifts, such as an annuity, to strengthen The Sharon Academy beyond your lifetime.

Bequests are a way to support and strengthen The Sharon Academy beyond your lifetime.  You can include TSA in your will or trust for a specific amount or percentage. As an alternative to amending your current will, you can also consider naming The Sharon Academy a beneficiary of your retirement plan. Simply contact your plan administrator for a change of beneficiary form, and designate The Sharon Academy for a percentage of the assets.

If you are considering creating a bequest, please consult first with your financial advisor. We also hope that you will reach out to us at The Sharon Academy so that we can be sure to honor your wishes and so that we may acknowledge your generosity during your lifetime. Please contact Head of School Mary Newman at 802-763-2500, ext 205, or email