HS revises Daily Schedule as of 1/11/21

Beginning the week of January 11 the high school will adopt a new schedule. This change was proposed by students and has been given a tremendous amount of consideration by faculty and staff. We understand that this change will cause some families, especially those families with students at both the middle and high school campuses, […]

Former TSA Board Chair Brad Atwood Dies Unexpectedly at 62

On November 17, Head of School Mary Newman sent the following message about the death of former TSA Board Chair Brad Atwood: Dear TSA Community: It is with utmost sorrow that I write to tell you that TSA has just lost a dear friend. Brad Atwood, alumni father, former Board Chair, and tireless advocate for […]

Keep TSA Safe Over the Holidays

While the Vermont Health Department recommends against travel during the holidays, many of us are missing family at this time. It’s hard to balance our desire to celebrate the holidays with loved ones and the growing risk of COVID-19 infection. Travel or gathering does increase your chance of getting and spreading COVID-19, so we are asking […]

Public Information Meeting about TSA HS Expansion Plans-11/18, 6:30pm

NOTICE OF VIRTUAL PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING TO BE HELD CONCERNING: The Sharon Academy (TSA) 6704 Vermont Route 14, Sharon, VT At 6:30–7:30 PM WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2020 VIA ZOOM USING THIS LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87597483448?pwd=d0hWRlpHdWxWVS9tYUc5YzJyYmNFQT09 Or use Zoom Meeting ID: 875 9748 3448 The meeting will acquaint the public and the TSA community with a proposed addition to the TSA High School, to […]

TSA will provide free breakfasts and lunches for the school year

In October, TSA began to offer free breakfasts and lunches through a program of the US Department of Agriculture. At first, the program was slated to end at the end of December, but on October 9, the US Secretary of Agriculture announced that the meals would continue through the entire 2020-21 school year. The Sharon […]

Class of 2021 delivers Junior Exhibition presentations

On Wednesday, September 30, The Sharon Academy Class of 2021 gave their Junior Exhibition presentations. Exhibitions are a core element of TSA education. In this year of the pandemic, the presentations were postponed from last spring when school was closed. While the requirement was lifted, several students were given the option of delivering their presentation, […]

Middle School will be fully remote in December

Thank you for all your support this fall as we have brought students back together in the building. We are all anxious for the day when we can have the whole middle school community here at school together again. Safety is our first priority for all our students and staff and we are looking continually […]

Managing COVID-19 at TSA is a Priority

As detailed in the letter of Tuesday, October 6, TSA learned on Monday, October 5, that an individual at the Varsity Girls’ soccer game at the Long Trail School on Tuesday, September 29, had tested positive for COVID-19.  The individual has not been in contact with anyone else in our community since then. It is important […]

TSA Sports begin with safety protocols

Governor Scott has announced that school athletics can occur with important safety measures: Before entering the field, all spectators (students and other fans) must check in at the staff table behind the school to add their names to the event attendance log. Guest team players are limited to 2 spectators, who will include the player’s […]

2020-21 Staff Changes

One of the most exciting aspects of a new school year is welcoming new members to our TSA family and celebrating transitions among our existing staff. Since last year, we have bid farewell to Anna Ausubel, Sarah Brown-Dropkin, Tom Canfield, Catherine Farrington, Randy Leavitt, Michael Livingston, and Pam Ward. Sandy Thorne is on leave helping […]